Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month 2023 – Seminar – "Lived Experience – Advocacy in Action"

Lived experience advocacy in action panel members with Michael Flood

The Centre for Justice hosted a panel discussion during Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Month 2023.

There has been a growing focus on victim and survivor voices of domestic and family violence, and increasingly these voices, stories and lived experience are contributing to policy and practice, and are being used to inform change.

Our panel discussion gave attendees an opportunity to hear from some of these voices – their stories, impact, challenges and opportunities for future change.

You can watch the panel discussion below:

Panel members

Jaimee Morgenbesser

Jaimee is a specialist in disaster recovery, resilience and mental health. She is a passionate survivor advocate and champion of survivors of childhood sexual abuse and domestic family violence. In 2021, Jaimee co-founded the Independent Collective of Survivors (ICOS), a national charity advocating for lived experience led changes in health and social policy, legal and justice systems reform, and research and service design. For over a decade, Jaimee has led disaster resilience and recovery initiatives across Australia and was awarded the National Emergency Medal and the Australian Red Cross Long Service Award for her outstanding service. Combining her lived experience and professional expertise, Jaimee works on preventing and reducing the trauma and impacts that violence and disasters have on individuals and communities.

Caroline Brunne

Caroline Brunne is the epitome of success. As an entrepreneur, author, artist, model and change maker, it would be easy to only see the highlight reel, and be unaware of the trauma that defined much of her childhood. From her lived experience of childhood sexual abuse and incest Caroline has chosen to shift her trauma into transformation. Caroline shares how she has begun her healing journey and has actively guided both survivors and supporters by teaching them the power of being allies whilst walking beside survivors as they face the complexities within their journey of healing.

Lula Dembele

Lula Dembele is a specialist in gender relations and anti-patriarchal systems change. She’s a passionate survivor advocate for victims of childhood sexual abuse, childhood and adult domestic violence. Combining lived experience and professional expertise in strategic policy and gender mainstreaming, Lula has dedicated herself to working on structural and cultural change to end violence against women. In 2018, Lula established the Accountability Matters Project to re-frame domestic violence from being seen as ‘women’s issue’, and drive national efforts to reduce ‘men’s use of sexual, domestic and family violence’. Lula is co-founder of the Independent Collective of Survivors (ICOS), a national group of survivor advocates who support lived experience advocacy pushing for social and systemic change. Lula has led work in transformative practice to create gender equitable workplaces across Victoria, is a member of the National Plan Advisory Group, a Bravehearts Ambassador, and recently commenced as Director of Lived Expertise and Advocacy for the Illawarra Women’s Health Centre – Women’s Trauma Recovery Centre Project.