Special Issue: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy

Call for Papers – Green Criminological Dialogues: Voices from Oceania

Guest editors: Antje Deckert (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), David R. Goyes (University of Oslo, Norway), and Nigel South (University of Essex, UK).

Most academic publications in the field of green criminology—concerned with all environmental crimes including water, forestry, and maritime ones—were authored by scholars from Europe, USA, and Australia. Nevertheless, the call for the ‘southernizing’ of criminology (Carrington et al. 2016), the appearance of a distinctive Southern green criminology (Goyes 2019), and the recognition that the intersection of vulnerabilities on the grounds of nationality, racialization, ethnicity, gender, and class renders some voices unheard despite the significant knowledge contributions they make in their everyday lives (George et al. 2020), shed light on the need to recognise the wide range of work on environmental crimes and harms engaged in by academics and activists in the global south and/or writing in languages other than English (Goyes and South 2017).

Approximately 10 million people inhabit the Pacific Islands. Isolated from the rest of the world by a vast ocean, they face myriad threats to their existence caused by a long history of northern colonialism. This special issue is a consolidating step in furthering the dialogue between the north and the south, now with a focus on Oceanic green criminology.

Expressions of interest

Date for completion of first drafts is October 2024, but if you are interested, please send an abstract of between 120 and 200 words as soon as possible, but no later than 15 May 2024, to antje.deckert@aut.ac.nz, d.r.goyes@jus.uio.no and n.south@essex.ac.uk. Accepted submissions published in March 2026.

Read the full call for papers, submission details and publication timeline at: https://www.drgoyes.com/post/call-for-papers-voices-from-oceania


Carrington K, Hogg R and Sozzo M (2016) Southern criminology. British Journal of Criminology, 56(1): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azv083.

George L, Norris AN, Deckert A and Tauri J (Eds) (2020) Neo-colonial injustice and the mass imprisonment of indigenous women. Cham: Palgrave.

Goyes DR (2019) Southern green criminology. a science to end ecological discrimination. Bingley: Emerald.

Goyes DR and South N (2017) Green criminology before ‘green criminology’: Amnesia and absences. Critical Criminology 25(2): 165-181. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-017-9357-8.