QUT Centre for Justice is proud to release a Briefing Paper Series around the topic of Education Justice.
Learning and teaching design is increasingly shared between teaching academics and learning designers. Research into how these two groups understand learning technologies is critical if underlying tensions in learning design are to be understood. In their paper titled, Learning technology: an area of contestation in higher education, authors Amos Tay, Abby Cathcart, Henk Huijser and Sarah Dart provide an overview of the research findings and calls for policies and practices that support collaboration between teaching academics and learning designers to improve student outcomes.
Although the pedagogic benefits of work-integrated learning (WIL) are well-documented, some participants experience significant stress and financial hardship due to the unpaid and intensive nature of work placements. In their paper titled, The impact of financial stress and hardship on work-integrated learning and wellbeing, Deanna Grant-Smith and Laura de Zwaan contribute to understandings of ‘WIL wellbeing’ by exploring the interplay between financial self-efficacy, financial stress, student wellbeing and placement performance.
The adoption of placement-based work-integrated learning (WIL) as a primary means for students to transfer their knowledge and skills from higher education into the professional workplace has become a prevalent feature of the tertiary education landscape. It can however have adverse impacts on student wellbeing. In their paper titled Approaching unpaid work-integrated learning placements through a social justice lens, authors Deanna Grant-Smith, Anne Hewitt, Craig Cameron and Laura de Zwaan consider equity and social justice, and summarising the body of work on this topic, they offer recommendations for making WIL work for students, industry and universities in response to the interim report of the Australian Universities Accord.
Find out more about the Briefing Paper Series here.