QUT Centre for Justice aims to empower and enable citizens, consumers and communities through solutions-oriented research. Our vision is to democratise justice by improving opportunities for health and well-being, at both an individual and global level, and enhancing the inclusiveness of work and education while widening access to justice.

Our research priorities stem from how justice is being delivered in the digital age, considering the complex factors that transform justice through social activism and the wellbeing of the planet, geopolitics and systems of governance.

Our three programs are:

Access to justice

The United Nations has identified Access to Justice as a priority sustainable development goal as discrimination, inequality, marginalisation and exclusion are obstacles to social justice. Research in this program improves access to, and the experience of, justice. Find out more.

Technologies of justice

Social institutions, system designers, practitioners and scholars all have a role to play in what counts as justice, and how it is defined and applied in professional and practical settings. Research in this program enriches our understanding of the intellectual, professional and/or digital technologies that shape the way we think about justice, its delivery and transformation. Find out more.

Ecologies of justice

How we understand justice as a value, ethic, principle or practice is mediated through relationships and systems that cross historical, political, economic, social, spatial and environmental domains. This program helps us to comprehend the complex arrangements that contribute to, transform, or undermine justice. Find out more.


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