Nadine leads the Trusted Enterprise research team, where she prioritises publishing in top-tier management information systems conferences and journals (D1, FT-50, UTD24) while fostering impactful national and international collaborations. For example, in partnership with the University of Colorado Boulder, the Technical University of Munich, and colleagues from Queensland University of Technology, Nadine has a manuscript under second-round review with an FT-50 ranked journal (MIS Quarterly) as lead author. This work investigates how humans reconfigure authority structures with AI-based bots to enable effective and trusted collaboration. Two further manuscripts, involving an international team, are for submission to FT-50 outlets in Q1 2025. Previous work of her has been published in outlets included in the Association for Information Systems premium journal list, such as Information & Organization, Electronic Markets, Business & Information Systems Engineering, and at globally leading conference in the field of management information systems, e.g., the International Conference on Information Systems.
Guided by a design-centred approach, Nadine’s research emphasizes intellectually challenging industry partnerships and competitive grants that enhance organizations’ capacity to implement trust-intensive business models benefiting their customers. For instance, Nadine is developing a loneliness algorithm that leverages customer data from service interactions to identify individuals at risk of loneliness and create proactive, low-intensity interventions. This initiative, supported by an ARC Linkage grant submitted in round 2, 2024, underscores Nadine’s commitment to socially impactful research. Another collaboration involves one of Europe’s largest retailers, where a PhD student investigates trust-intensive business models requiring customers to share sensitive food data. Looking forward, Nadine is advancing competitive projects such as an ARC Discovery (2026), focusing on an AI-driven trust assistant designed to enhance trust literacy in a world of information abundance. This tool will empower individuals to make faster, more confident trust judgments using conversational AI.
Overall, Nadine’s research and teaching aims at the overarching goal to harness emerging technologies in ways that deliver societal, organizational, and individual benefits. By combining rigorous research published in top-tier outlets with meaningful industry collaborations, she seeks to unlock technology’s full potential to build trust in data-driven environments.
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