
Navigating tomorrow’s business opportunities

QUT’s Centre for Future Enterprise (CFE) leads global research to progress economic and social well-being now and into the future.

With a broad definition of enterprise, from start-ups to ASX listed companies, governments to non-profits, our research brings together world-leading academics with CEOs, founders, policy makers and industry leaders, to help current and future leaders navigate a fast-emerging new world and to differentiate requirements from distracting noise.

CFE is investing its research capacity into the purpose of providing capabilities that matter for future enterprises. The focus is on those emerging attributes of organisations and their leaders that have not seen sufficient professionalisation. Dedicated to demand-driven, rigorous research exploring and testing possible futures for enterprises of all sizes ranging from large incumbents to emerging start-ups, from the internationally listed corporation to the regional nonprofit charity, CFE works closely with industry partners across various sectors.

Our Mission

Our Principles

Our Research

CFE research focuses on four themes and the nexus between these: the trusted enterprise; the paradoxical enterprise; the algorithmic enterprise; and the robust enterprise.