BSB105 Future Enterprise student pitches impress!

From the classroom to the boardroom

This week the ‘classroom to boardroom’ design of the Future Enterprise unit BSB105 was clearly on display as students pitched their business ideas directly to industry partner, Cricket Australia.

The pitches were the culmination of students’ semester-long work to design innovative solutions to the provocation, ‘How might QLD Cricket use intelligent digital, technological and other innovative solutions to grow junior participation across QLD?’ – and the student teams certainly delivered! There were so many great ideas and business solutions, from gamification to grassroots Friday night leagues to apps that connect and digital tech that improves batting and ball skills. Key to students’ success was their ability to predict emerging futures and tailor their ideas, ensuring Cricket Australia has the knowledge and skills to stay ahead of the social, environmental and technological changes that the next decade will bring. The CEO of Cricket Australia and other senior leaders were in attendance, as well as sports tech representatives from Cisco, all of whom had the opportunity to ask questions, connect with students and bring the ‘classroom to boardroom’ philosophy to life.

The Future Enterprise unit continues to provide opportunities for students to think and develop outside the box, preparing students for success in an increasingly digitally-focused world. Like the many students who have undertaken this unit before them, the students who pitched their ideas this week had the opportunity to gain valuable industry insights, learn about the necessary skill-sets required in the industry and the importance of networking and collaboration.

Find out more about The Future Enterprise unit, BSB105

This introductory business core unit provides insights on how to predict emerging futures in the contemporary workplace and how to tailor individual response strategies to future business scenarios. Grounded in an integrated mix of real-world case studies from corporate, non-profit and entrepreneurial sectors, this unit will help you to develop the mindset and skill set required to approach the future world of work equipped to succeed. You will practise environmental sensing, scenario planning and managing strategic alternatives, and will be introduced to megatrends defining the contemporary work landscape, along with opportunities, threats and “black swan” events disrupting it. You will build your capability to be resilient and agile in the workplace. This unit is relevant to students of all business disciplines, preparing you for the future of work and introducing you to business capabilities to ignite your career.

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