1300 student learn Future Enterprise

This week more than 1300 QUT Undergraduate students will commence in the newly created Future Enterprise Unit.

This first year business core unit (BBS105) is at the pinnacle of the research-teaching nexus drawing on emerging research from Centre for Future Enterprise, and involves world-leading researchers including Professor Michael Rosemann, Dr Paula Dootson, and Professor Marek Kowalkiewicz.

Grounded in an integrated mix of real-world case studies from corporate, non-profit and entrepreneurial sectors including RACQ and Tennis Australia, the unit develops the mindset and skill set required to approach the future world of work equipped to succeed.

Students will prepare for the future of work, build their capability to be resilient and agile, and learn business capabilities including how to predict emerging futures in the contemporary workplace and how to tailor individual response strategies to future business scenarios. They will practice environmental sensing, scenario planning and managing strategic alternatives, and be introduced to megatrends defining the contemporary work landscape, along with opportunities, threats and “black swan” events disrupting it.

Industry partners are invited to contribute to this future learning. For more information contact future.enterprise@qut.edu.au