Here we introduce the newest member to CFE, Dr Fahame Emamjone.
What is your research focus?
My work has been predominantly in the area of information and information quality perceptions. I am currently working on trust issues and privacy concerns around use of digital services and media.
What current trends are you seeing that excite you about the future of enterprises?
The fast pace of digitalization is transforming the behaviour of individuals, society and cultures in unprecedented ways. We are living in the time of great uncertainties and yet we need to put more trust than ever on institutions, platforms and organizations. This is a challenge but also the very requirement for future ethical progress.
What does the year 2050 look like to you?
If everything is changing with the pace it changed since 1990, I think in 2050 I would still listen to 80s music…by then I may be able to think about a song and then it will be played somehow through some invisible devices…