Fulfilling the process promise: A Review and Agenda for New Venture Creation Process Research presented by Prof Per Davidsson

11am, Friday 25 September, 2020
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Fulfilling the process promise: A Review and Agenda for New Venture Creation Process Research
presented by Prof Per Davidsson, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship

Read the Paper: Davidsson Gruenhagen ETP review



We review new venture creation process research in leading journals over the past 30 years, applying a broad view of “process.” While we find a rich and varied literature with significant quantitative and qualitative growth, the review reveals considerable room for future contributions in this important area of entrepreneurship research. In an agenda building on review results, exemplary articles, and theory development advice from other sources, we discuss several types of such future contributions. We hope that our efforts can inspire emerging scholars, colleagues, research leaders, and institutional actors to contribute to a bright future for this core domain of entrepreneurship research.



Professor Per Davidsson is Talbot Family Foundation Professor in entrepreneurship at QUT. With 35,000+ Google Scholar citations, Per counts as one of the most influential entrepreneurship scholars in the world. His current main interests are the strategic use of changes to the business environment in creating new business activities, and new venture creation as process. The earlier research he is most known for concerns nascent entrepreneurship and small firm growth. He has served as elected Chair of the 3,500 member strong ENT Division of the Academy of Management and been associate editor of several leading journal. In 2013 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Leuphana University (Germany) and in 2018 The Australian Research Supplement declared him #1 in “Lifetime Achievement” among Australian researchers in Business, Economics & Management.