Measuring philanthropic cultures – can you help with ACPNS' survey?

The research team who lead the Centre for Future Enterprise’s Social-Purpose Theme Leader, the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, are calling for survey participants to inform philanthropic cultures. 

If you are a fundraiser or work in a nonprofit organisation that undertakes fundraising, we would like to invite you to participate in a research project that is not related to COVID-19, but we believe the findings will support organisations going forward and on their road to recovery.

Would you be willing to complete a short online survey (approx. 15 minutes) which aims to develop a measure of philanthropic culture and help us learn the impact that this might have on fundraising and organisational performance?

The purpose of this important research project is to support organisations understand what might help them to improve their fundraising performance. It is expected that this research project will benefit nonprofit organisations in Australia and globally.

Further details on the study and how to participate can be found online here.

This study has been approved by the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number 2000000359).