Webinar – Polls Apart? What the Federal Election Could Mean for Workers and Employers

Polls Apart? What the Federal Election Could Mean for Workers and Employers with Professor Andrew Stewart, The University of Adelaide and CDWI Adjunct Professor

This webinar was co-hosted by CDWI and the Australian Labour Law Association (ALLA) and was held on 11 May.

If there’s one thing on which the representatives of both business and labour agree, it’s that the Fair Work system is no longer fit for purpose. Neither the Labor Opposition nor the Liberal and National Parties are proposing radical changes to the laws governing workplace relations. But the pressure to re-examine that stance is not going to relent. This seminar provides an opportunity to hear from leading commentator Professor Andrew Stewart about what the major parties are promising, what is at stake at this election, and what we can really expect from either a re-elected Morrison Government or a new Albanese administration.

Andrew StewartAndrew Stewart (pictured, right) is the John Bray Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide, Adjunct Professor with QUT’s Centre for Decent Work & Industry, and a consultant with the law firm Piper Alderman.  A pre-eminent expert on employment law and workplace relations, he has decades of experience in advising employers, trade unions and governments at all levels on legal and policy issues. Andrew is the author of Stewart’s Guide to Employment Law and Creighton & Stewart’s Labour Law, and has also written or edited books on decent work for interns, Australia’s wages crisis, and workplace cooperation.

His current research includes examining the regulation of unpaid work experience, the organisation of work through digital platforms, and the impact of COVID-19 on labour law.

The webinar was held on 11 May 2022 and is now available to watch online.


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