Associate Professor Bree Hurst

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Deputy Director - Centre for Decent Work & Industry

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Business (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Business (Public Relations) (Queensland University of Technology)

Bree is an Associate Professor at the QUT Business School. She has a PhD in corporate social responsibility and organisational communication.

Her research in corporate responsibility, social licence to operate, and food waste is critical in a world where organisations need to be held accountable for their impacts on communities, society and the environment. Her research recommends organisations take a whole of system view to engage with stakeholders, move beyond a narrow focus on profits and legal requirements, and critically examine their social and environmental impacts.

Bree has had her work published in a number of academic journals and books, including the the Journal of Business Ethics (Financial Times Top 50 journal) and awarding winning handbooks, Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility and Handbook of Communication Engagement. She has received over $700K in research funding in food waste, agriculture and mining and has co-edited a special issue on social licence to operate, social impact, and engagement in Public Relations Review.

Bree has also been invited to present at industry seminars as an expert on social licence to operate and social impact, including at the 2019 London Benchmarking Group’s Social Impact Conference, and to the Queensland Social Responsibility Network.

Bree is program leader of the Responsible Governance research program within the Centre for Decent Work & Industry, and is the program leader for the Agrifood Systems research program within the Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy. She is also the Subject Area Coordinator for the public relations discipline at QUT.

Her research interests include:

  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Food waste
  • Social licence to operate
  • Social impact
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Organisational communication
