Seven steps to ‘clean up’ cotton industry

cotton spools

Exploitation of workers in the global garment industry is rife but Australia can lead the way to change. The Strategies for Improving Labour Conditions Within the Australian Cotton Value Chain project, funded by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CDRC), offers seven solutions for the industry to consider.

“Labour conditions for workers in textile and garment value chains is an area of continuous concern,” Associate Professor Erin O’Brien said.

“Our research asks how fibre producers can play a role and our final report offers seven solutions for the industry to consider, developed and refined through interviews with key industry stakeholders such as merchants, manufacturers, brands and retailers, and non-government organisations.”

The project, led by Professor Alice Payne, brought together a team of researchers from University of Technology Sydney, Notre Dame Australia University, and QUT including Associate Professor Rowena Maguire and PhD candidate Justine Coneybeer.

You can read the full article at QUT News. The final report is available on QUT ePrints.

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