Publications (2021)

CDWI research publications (2021)

Journal articles (2021)

Badejo, Foluke Abigail, Gordon, Ross, Mayes, Robyn (2021) Transforming human trafficking rescue services in Nigeria: towards context specific intersectionality and trauma-informed perspectives. Journal of Services Marketing. []
Baker, Philip, Demant, Daniel, Cathcart, Abby, Francis, Daniel (2021) The Power of Peers: Using peer-assisted learning to develop critical appraisal skills for evidence-based practice. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 14 (3), pp.178-180. []
Cathcart, Abby, Dransfield, Mark, Floyd, Sarah, Campbell, Lauri-Anne, Carkett, Rachael, Davies, Vicky, Duhs, Ros, Smart, Fiona (2021) Tick-box, weasel words, or a transformative experience? Insights into what educators consider the real impact of HEA Fellowships. International Journal for Academic Development. []
Cross, Cassandra, Grant-Smith, Deanna (2021) Recruitment Fraud : Increased opportunities for exploitation in times of uncertainty?. Social Alternatives, 40 (4), pp.9-14. []
Cunningham-Nelson, Sam, Laundon, Melinda, Cathcart, Abby (2021) Beyond satisfaction scores:Visualising student comments for whole-of-course evaluation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 46 (5), pp.685-700. []
Gordon, Ross, Harada, Theresa, Waitt, Gordon (2021) Molar and molecular entanglements: Parenting, care and making home in the context of energy capitalism. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 39 (3), pp.534-552. []
Hine, Amelia (2021) Disrupting landscape:Enacting zones of socio-material entanglement for alternative futures. The Extractive Industries and Society, 8 (2), pp.Article number: 100889. []
Hurst, Bree, Johnston, Kim (2021) The social imperative in public relations: Utilities of social impact, social license and engagement. Public Relations Review, 47 (2), pp.Article number: 102039. []
Jammaers, Eline, Williams, Jannine (2021) Care for the self, overcompensation and bodily crafting: The work–life balance of disabled people. Gender, Work and Organization, 28 (1), pp.119-137. []
Johnston, Kim A., Lane, Anne (2021) Communication with intent:A typology of communicative interaction in engagement. Public Relations Review, 47 (1), pp.Article number: 101925. []
Kalemba, Joshua (2021) Global South to Global North youth migration: A decolonial exploration of Black African youth experiences of migrating to and being in Australia. Journal of Youth Studies. []
Koya, Ninitha, Hurst, Bree, Roper, Juliet (2021) In whose interests? When relational engagement to obtain a social license leads to paradoxical outcomes. Public Relations Review, 47 (1), pp.Article number: 101987. []
McAndrew, Ryan, Mulcahy, Rory, Gordon, Ross, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2021) Household energy efficiency interventions: A systematic literature review. Energy Policy, 150, pp.Article number: 112136. []
McDonald, Paula, Williams, Penny, Mayes, Robyn (2021) How professional photographers engage with and resist digital platform work. New Media and Society, 23 (6), pp.1602-1623. []
Pini, Barbara, Rodriguez Castro, Laura, Mayes, Robyn (2021) An agenda for Australian rural sociology: Troubling the white middle-class farming woman. Journal of Sociology. []
Pinto, Dale, Sadiq, Kerrie (2021) 50 years and Still Going Strong!. Australian Tax Review, 50 (1), pp.3-4. []
Richards, Carol, Hurst, Bree, Messner, Rudolf, O'Connor, Grace (2021) The paradoxes of food waste reduction in the horticultural supply chain. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, pp.482-491. []
Sadiq, Kerrie (2021) Communities of practice as a multidisciplinary response in times of crisis: adapting to successful online learning practices. Accounting Research Journal, 34 (2), pp.134-145. []
Sadiq, Kerrie, Krever, Richard (2021) Does tax policy fit in the portfolio of COVID-19 responses?. Pacific Accounting Review, 33 (2), pp.212-220. []
Tinson, Julie, Sinclair, Gary, Gordon, Ross (2021) How value is disrupted in football fandom, and how fans respond. European Sport Management Quarterly. []
Williams, Penny, McDonald, Paula, Mayes, Robyn (2021) The impact of disruptive innovation on creative workers: the case of photographers. Creative Industries Journal, 14 (2), pp.130-151. []

Books (2021)

Pinto, Dale, Kendall, Keith, Sadiq, Kerrie (2021) Fundamental Tax Legislation 2021.[ 29th ed.]. (29th). []
Sadiq, Kerrie (2021) Australian Tax Law Cases 2021 []
Sadiq, Kerrie, Black, Celeste, Hanegbi, Rami, Krever, Richard Edward, Jogarajan, Sunita, Obst, Wes, Ting, Antony Ka Fai (2021) Principles of Taxation Law 2021.[ 14th ed.]. (14th). []

Book chapters (2021)

Bartlett, Jennifer, Hurst, Bree (2021) Public relations and legitimacy. In Valentini, Chiara (Ed.), Public Relations, Handbooks of Communication Science [HoCS], pp.107-122. []
French, Erica, Williams, Jannine (2021) Counting for something: valuing the Human Development Index. In Ng, Eddy S., Stamper, Christina L., Klarsfeld, Alain, Han, Yu (Jade) (Eds.), Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices: A Research Compendium, Research Handbooks in Business and Management series, pp.16–33. []
Grant-Smith, Deanna, Feldman, Alicia, Gregory, Kieran (2021) Contextual considerations for eco-behavioral change among aquatic recreationists. In Mihaila, Viorel (Ed.), Behavioral-Based Interventions for Improving Public Policies, pp.128-154. []
Grant-Smith, Deanna, Payne, Ryan (2021) Enacting care-ful engagement in the (post)pandemic care-less university. In Bozkurt, Aras (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Emerging Pedagogies for the Future of Education: Trauma-Informed, Care, and Pandemic Pedagogy, Advances in Educational Technologies & Instructional Design, pp.169-190. []
Kalemba, Joshua, Farrugia, David (2021) Coloniality, Racialization and Epistemicide in African Youth Mobilities. In Swartz, Sharlene, Cooper, Adam, Batan, Clarence, Kropff Causa, Laura (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies, pp.217-225. []
Osborne, Natalie, Grant-Smith, Deanna (2021) In-depth interviewing. In Baum, Scott (Ed.), Methods in Urban Analysis, Cities Research Series, pp.105-125. []
Roper, Juliet, Hurst, Bree, Bethune, Graham (2021) Referendums and referendum campaigns. In Harris, Phil, Bitonti, Alberto, Fleisher, Craig S., Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Anne (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs.[ 1 ed.]. []

Reports (2021)

Altieri, Elena, Kim, Melanie, Augusta Carrasco, Maria, Chadborn, Tim, Gauri, Varun, Gordon, Ross, George, Gavin, other, and (2021) Young people and COVID-19: Behavioural considerations for promoting safe behaviours. Policy brief []
Grant-Smith, Deanna, de Zwaan, Laura, Irmer, Bernd, Feldman, Alicia (2021) A Profile of MLM Consultants in Australia: Financial literacy and other characteristics []
Mayes, Robyn, Hurst, Bree, Hine, Amelia (2021) Understanding the social and political stakeholder environment of contemporary and future mining: delivering tools for navigating multiple perspectives:CRC ORE Project Report P4-010: Summary Report []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Bull, Melissa, Kelly, Nick, Zhang, Jinglan, Parkinson, Joy, Letheren, Kate, McAndrew, Ryan, Chell, Kathleen, Badejo, Foluke Abigail, Bowring, Natalie, et al. (2021) The Women's Butterfly Project: Empowering mature women to maintain secure housing - Final Report []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Bull, Melissa, Kelly, Nick, Zhang, Jinglan, Parkinson, Joy, Letheren, Kate, McAndrew, Ryan, Chell, Kathleen, Badejo, Foluke Abigail, Bowring, Natalie, et al. (2021) QUT's Women's Butterfly Project - Final Report for the Department of Housing []

Submissions (2021)

Grant-Smith, Deanna, Sadiq, Kerrie, Feldman, Alicia (2021) Submission to National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund Consultation Paper []
Grant-Smith, Deanna, Sadiq, Kerrie, Feldman, Alicia, Mayes, Robyn (2021) Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics Inquiry into Unlawful Underpayment of Employees' Remuneration: Submission No. 127 []
Grant-Smith, Deanna, Williams, Penny, Mayes, Robyn, Feldman, Alicia, Laundon, Melinda (2021) Submission to the Select Committee on Job Security []

Other research publications (2021)

Bennison, Linda, Chapple, Larelle, Sadiq, Kerrie (2021) Corporate Purpose: Repurposed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals []
Hine, Amelia (2021) Metamorphosis. 'No Show'. []
Hine, Amelia, Edwards, Charity (2021) Death Metal. Sediment (Presented by Metro Arts Curated by Simone Hine and Kyle Weise). []
Hine, Amelia, Edwards, Charity (2021) Death Metal: mineralising design practices. Makeshift. []
Mayes, Robyn, Hurst, Bree, Hine, Amelia (2021) ANT Stakeholder Action Mapping Tool and User Guide []
Mayes, Robyn, Hurst, Bree, Hine, Amelia (2021) The socio-political landscape of mining: Interactive Timeline. []
Sadiq, Kerrie, Krever, Richard Edward (2021) Corporate Residency in Australia: Back to the Future?. Tax Notes International, 102, pp.935-938. []