Professor Andrew Stewart joins QUT

Andrew Stewart

We’re excited to announce that Andrew Stewart, currently John Bray Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide, will take up a new position at QUT as Professor of Work and Regulation in early 2025.

Andrew is widely recognised as Australia’s leading expert in employment law and workplace relations, while also known for his work on contract law and intellectual property. The author of popular texts such as Stewart’s Guide to Employment Law and Creighton & Stewart’s Labour Law, and a prominent contributor to public understanding and policy debates on labour regulation, he has conducted ARC-funded research on issues such as workplace cooperation, the regulation of internships, and work in the gig economy.

Andrew is no stranger to QUT, having been an Adjunct Professor for the past few years in the Centre for Decent Work and Industry. He has partnered with CDWI researchers such as Paula McDonald, Robyn Mayes and Penny Williams on a number of projects, including the design and analysis of groundbreaking surveys on digital platform work and unpaid work experience. He has contributed to CDWI submissions to Parliamentary enquiries on topics such as the digital surveillance and transformation of workplaces and has also presented well-attended public seminars on a range of topics.

Besides becoming a full member of CDWI, Andrew will join the Australian Centre for Health Law Research (ACHLR) and also expects to extend his connections with researchers across and beyond the Faculty of Business and Law. His current research interests include the nature and regulation of work performed by children, the use of non-compete clauses and other post-employment restraints, and the impact of recent reforms to the Fair Work Act.

Andrew has provided expert advice to the International Labour Organization (for whom he helped draft the recently adopted Recommendation on Quality Apprenticeships), to federal and State governments in Australia, and to a wide range of other organisations. He will also maintain his role as a consultant with the national law firm Piper Alderman.

Andrew is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and has also recently been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. He has previously been Chair of the Council of Australian Law Deans and President of the Australian Labour Law Association, the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, and the Industrial Relations Society of South Australia. Before taking up his current post he worked at the University of Sydney and at Flinders University, where he was Dean of Law.

We look forward to welcoming Andrew in the New Year.

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