New research report on the experiences of women with disability working in the public service

Commission for gender equality pic with jannine williams, maria khan and duncan chew

A new research report ‘Getting on at Work: Progression and Promotion of Women with Disability in the Victorian Public Service’ led by Centre member Jannine Williams was presented to Victorian Public Sector Enablers Network recently together with Maria Hameed Khan and Duncan Chew. The report presents findings from the experiences of women with disability working in the public service.

The team have also presented the report to the Deputy Secretary Victorian Public Service Disability Roundtable and look forward to presenting to the Victorian Public Service Disability Employment Community of Practice.

The research found women with disability were often put in the ‘too-hard basket’ by managers and were often reluctant to request workplace adjustments or seek career progression. 

Find out more below.
Williams, Jannine, Khan, Maria Hameed, Mayes, Robyn, Obst, Trish, & Lowe, Benjamin (2023) Getting on at Work: Progression and Promotion of Women with Disability in the Victorian Public Service.


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