Equality at Work? The Albanese Government’s Efforts to Make Workplaces Fairer and Safer for Women

On 24th of March we hosted Professor Andrew Stewart from University of Adelaide for a public seminar on equality at work.

Labor’s 2022 election platform promised to help close the gender pay gap and make workplaces safer for women. During the Albanese Government’s first year in office, those objectives have driven major changes to the Fair Work Act, as well as anti-discrimination laws and gender equality reporting for large organisations. Join employment law expert and Centre associate Professor Andrew Stewart as he mansplains explains these recent changes to the law, including novel prohibitions on pay secrecy, new paths to pay equity in feminised sectors, and more extensive remedies for sexual harassment at work.

Andrew Stewart is the John Bray Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide, Adjunct Professor with QUT’s Centre for Decent Work & Industry, and a consultant with the national law firm Piper Alderman.  A pre-eminent expert on employment law and workplace relations, and the author of Stewart’s Guide to Employment Law, he has decades of experience in advising employers, trade unions and governments at all levels on legal and policy issues. Together with other researchers at the Centre, he has helped design and analyse results from groundbreaking national surveys on unpaid work experience and digital platform work. He has also written extensively on pay equity laws, including as part of research for the Fair Work Commission.

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