CDWI is proud to host Prof Rick Krever from The University of Western Australia on the topic of Employee share schemes.
Professor Rick Krever is a leading taxation law and policy expert, working with international aid agencies and international organisations to help build revenue capacity in developing nations.
Employee share schemes that provide employees with options to acquire shares in the company they work for, and how they have become part of many employees’ remuneration packages and how proponents laud the schemes as a fair way of motivating and then rewarding employees’ hard work. Critics see them as schemes to lock in workers and suppress wages by reducing employee mobility. Policy scholars argue the arrangements, which see workers’ human capital and investment capital tied to the same company, are incompatible with the fundamental rule of investing – never put all your eggs in one basket.
The bankruptcy of large companies whose employees were partially or largely remunerated with share options in the company – Enron being the most infamous example in recent times – demonstrates well the risk of forgoing higher wages for an interest in the employer. The salary source and investment portfolio disappear at the same time. It has nevertheless been the policy of Australian governments, both Liberal and Labor to actively promote the use of employee share schemes with support extending to tax subsidies for employees who enrol in the schemes. This presentation reviews the history of the government’s support for, and subsidies for, employee share schemes and subjects the government’s claims for each variation of the support to critical analysis.
To register for this (in-person) event, please click here .