ARC grant success – Paula McDonald and Penny Williams

Penny Williams and Paula McDonald

Congratulations to CDWI’s Professor Paula McDonald (pictured, top right), Associate Professor Penny Williams (pictured, top left), and also Associate Professor Ben Matthews (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UQ) who were recently awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery project.

This project looks at the dynamics of AI-driven recruitment and selection. The increasing use of AI in the recruitment and selection of job candidates is widely acknowledged but not well understood. AI-enabled recruitment offers substantial value to employers but has a significant and unchecked influence on job-seekers. This project will explore how AI capability is developed by technology vendors, deployed by recruiters, and utilised by job candidates. Findings from three integrated studies will build new theoretical understandings of the social and technical implications of AI-enabled recruitment. Benefits include the development of governance principles, industry practice standards, and strategies to assist job-seekers, that promote transparency, privacy and equality in the Australian labour market.

The 4-year project received $748,781 in funding.

We congratulate Paula, Penny and Ben and look forward to the outcomes of this significant research project.

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