Professor Robyn Mayes, former Director of the Centre for Decent Work & Industry,
summarises the Centre’s research and areas of expertise:
Work and industry are changing rapidly in new and increasingly unexpected ways shaped by evolving digital technologies, globalisation, normalisation of corporate social responsibility, shifting regulatory and accountability measures, and pandemics and disasters.
The Centre for Decent Work & Industry directly addresses pressing current and future challenges for just work and responsible industry. The Centre’s transdisciplinary research examines experiences and systems of work and industry governance to advance social and economic inclusion and equality for the benefit of individual workers, communities, organisations, and employers, and for Australia’s social and economic wellbeing.
Our research investigates workers, organisations and industries at the local, national, and global level across a continuum of research programs. These intersecting and multidisciplinary programs deliver robust research that embraces the varied and interconnected contexts of decent work and industry encompassing transitioning into/out of work, experiences and systems of work and employment, and governance of work and industry.
Our collective research strengths span critical management studies, economic and cultural geography, sociology, public relations, human resources management, organisational and social psychology, youth and disability studies, education systems, critical social marketing, gender, environmental and social policy, and organisation studies.
The Centre has three core research programs each with its own distinct set of subprograms. Centre researchers work within and across programs enabling comprehensive and authoritative research across the full spectrum of challenges and opportunities for decent work and industry.
Read more about our programs at Our Research.