ABC Workplace surveillance article

woman working from home with laptop and yellow chair

A recent ABC news article “With a ‘CCTV camera in every laptop’ as workplace surveillance extends to the home, governments are trying to determine a limit – ABC News” quotes a CDWI submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry on Workplace Surveillance.  The submission was co-authored by Centre Director, A/Prof Penny Williams, Danae Fleetwood, Dr Maria Hameed Khan, Prof Paula McDonald and Prof Andrew Stewart.

The ongoing Inquiry seeks to understand the extent to which surveillance data is being collected, shared, stored, disclosed, sold, disposed of and otherwise utilised in Victorian workplaces.

The submission from CDWI spoke of how “surveillance now occurs automatically and in seemingly innocuous but potentially more intrusive ways” and how these new methods of monitoring the activities of workers can blur the boundaries between an individual’s professional and private life, and inadvertently subject people who are not employees to surveillance by an organisation.”  See the full submission to the Inquiry on Workplace Surveillance here.

A/Prof Williams also gave an interview on this topic earlier this afternoon via ABC Radio Qld, to be aired on Drive – ABC listen today.


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