Co-design Gateway

The Art of Co-Design

This project has produced an open-access learning portal,, along with a 300+ page book, The Art of Co-design, released internationally by the prestigious design and business publisher, BIS Publishers. The book will be a textbook next year for the QUT undergraduate unit, Design for Health Innovation (DVB305) and the new QUT Master of Strategic Design.

The Art of Co-Design was released in Europe and England in November 2023. This book will be released across Australia and the United States in April 2024 and will be available via Amazon, Dymocks, Barnes and Noble, Angus & Roberston, Walmart and other books stores., the online co-design portal, developed for the project will be hard launched alongside the book, when it is released in Australian and the United Sates early next year.

Baxter, Kimberley A., Kerr, Jeremy, Nambiar, Smita, Gallegos, Danielle, Penny, Robyn A., Laws, Rachel A., Byrne, Rebecca (2024) A design thinking-led approach to develop a responsive feeding intervention for Australian families vulnerable to food insecurity: Eat, Learn, Grow. Health Expectations, 27 (2), pp.Article number: e14051. []
Gillett-Swan, Jenna, Kerr, Jeremy, Winter, Abbe, Callard, Nicola (2024) Co-designing place-based co-located health and wellbeing infrastructure and services with high school students, educators, and health service providers. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, pp.Article number: 107971. []
Kerr, Jeremy, Kelly, Nick (2024) Use of personas in co-designing learning experiences with teachers: An exploratory case study. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. []
Kerr, Jeremy, Cheers, Jessica, Gallegos, Danielle, Blackler, Alethea, Kelly, Nick (2023) The Art of Co-Design: A Guide to Creative Collaboration. [1 ed.]. (1). []

co-design tiles image

Supporting researchers through evidence-based co-design resources  

Co-design acknowledges the lived experiences and expertise of individuals and communities. By involving children, families and communities as equal partners in research, the outcomes are likely to be more sustainable and have more impact. This project aims to create new approaches and models that will support researchers and health practitioners including those developing skills and expertise in co-design methods.  

We collaborated with a cross-section of health and nutrition researchers, and members of the community to understand their learning experiences, and identify their research needs and preferred modes. Through a series of co-design workshops, we gained insights that informed the development of and future ventures. This has resulted in an evidenced-based resources to support co-designers. 

the co-design team

Want to get in touch with our Research Fellow?

Please contact Dr Jeremy Kerr via below Contact Form or Email:


    Baxter, Kimberley A., Kerr, Jeremy, Nambiar, Smita, Gallegos, Danielle, Penny, Robyn A., Laws, Rachel A., Byrne, Rebecca (2024) A design thinking-led approach to develop a responsive feeding intervention for Australian families vulnerable to food insecurity: Eat, Learn, Grow. Health Expectations, 27 (2), pp.Article number: e14051. []
    Gillett-Swan, Jenna, Kerr, Jeremy, Winter, Abbe, Callard, Nicola (2024) Co-designing place-based co-located health and wellbeing infrastructure and services with high school students, educators, and health service providers. Children and Youth Services Review, 166, pp.Article number: 107971. []
    Kerr, Jeremy, Kelly, Nick (2024) Use of personas in co-designing learning experiences with teachers: An exploratory case study. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. []
    Kerr, Jeremy, Cheers, Jessica, Gallegos, Danielle, Blackler, Alethea, Kelly, Nick (2023) The Art of Co-Design: A Guide to Creative Collaboration. [1 ed.]. (1). []

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