Past workshops
CBT and AXT Bioprinting Workshop 2023
With the rapid expansion of 3D bioprinting that crosses borders uniting fields of science and engineering that have traditionally operated separately, we thought it was time to hold an event largely focused on bringing together stakeholders in our region. We have assembled a program that includes local researchers who will share their work and latest developments, intermingled with technology talks and demonstrations from suppliers and manufacturers.
CBT and GDMV Joint Workshop for Medical Technology Translation 2023
To further promote biomedical innovation and translation, CBT is organising a medical technology translation workshop with the international medical industry innovation centre of Guangdong Medical Valley (GDMV).
This workshop will showcase the recent innovations in biomedical technologies at CBT and discuss translational opportunities and collaborations between GDMV and CBT. The Guangdong Medical Valley Australian Medical Inspection Delegation, with members from investors/investment institutions, biomedical industry entrepreneur representatives and other fields, hopes to communicate with Australian biomedical and medical companies that are interested in exploring the market in China or intending to settle or industrialize in China.
The workshop will discuss opportunities to jointly promote the transformation/commercialisation of biotechnology projects.
Image Based Modelling – 2 Day Interactive Workshop
The workshop will be supported by:
Dr Marie-Luise Wille (School of MMPS, QUT),
Prof Ian Turner (School of Mathematics, QUT)
Prof Mark Knackstedt (Department of Applied Mathematics, ANU)
This interactive workshop in hybrid form will take place over 2 separate days, each session will run for 1.5hrs and be followed by refreshments and networking. You will have the opportunity to challenge each other and brainstorm solutions for any image based problems you are facing.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Implicit surfaces
- From DICOM to implicit surface
- From DICOM to mesh/solid body
- Surface scans to volumes
- 4D volumes manipulation
- 2D area to 3D volume matching
- Best scanning modality for surface generation
- Image segmentation
Day 1 – Friday 8 October – Will kick off with the problem presentations and brainstorming session.
Day 2 – Friday 15 October – Will report and evaluate the suggested solutions from Day 1.