Title: Assessment of age-dependent sexual dimorphism in paediatric vertebral size and density using a statistical shape and statistical appearance modelling approach. Read the article here.
Authors: Natalia Castoldi, Dermot O’Rourke, Maria Antico, Laura Gregory and Peter Pivonka in collaboration with Vittorio Sansalone (not in photo). Published in Science Direct / Bone.
Title: Unravelling the physicochemical and antimicrobial mechanisms of human serum albumin/tannic acid coatings for medical-grade polycaprolactone scaffolds. Read the article here.
Authors: Silvia Comett, Akhilandeshwari Ravichandran, Yanan Xu, Nathalie Bock, Tim Dargaville and Dietmar W. Hutmacher in collaboration with Bogdan Donose, Alfredo Juárez-Saldivar and Aleksandar Rakić. Published in Science Direct / Bioactive Materials.
Title: SSP: self-supervised pertaining technique for classification of shoulder implants in x-ray medical images: a broad experimental study. Read the article here.
Authors: Laith Alzubaidi, Ashish Gupta, Kenneth Cutbush and YuanTong Gu in collaboration with (not pictured) Mohammed Fadhel, Freek Hollman, Asma Salh, Jose Santamaria, Ye Duan and Amin Abbosh. Published in Springer Link / Artificial Intelligence Review.
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