Komal Chhikara commenced her PhD in February 2023, funded by Healthia Ltd and in collaboration with the industry partner iOrthotics. She has a background in Prosthetics and Orthotics, and has prior experience building 3D printed orthotics for Diabetic Foot Disease. Her current research is titled “Volumetric scanning of the foot for the design of foot orthotics” and focusses on standardising the process of obtaining volumetric data of the foot using 3D surface scanning. Her project aims to streamline the foot orthotic design workflow in relation to image capture and explores feasibility and strategies for implementation in Podiatry clinics across Australia. Komal has an interest in rural health and her research is targeted towards equitable distribution of healthcare regardless of geographical remoteness. Her supervisory team consists of Dr. Sinduja Suresh, A Prof Paige Little, Dr. Marie-Luise Wille from QUT and Mr. Scott Morrison from iOrthotics.
Thesis title
Volumetric Scanning of the Foot for Design of Orthoses
Principal Supervisor
Associate Supervisor
Assoc Prof Paige Little, Dr Marie-Luise Wille. Mr Scott Morrison