Medical Technology Translation Conversation with The Guangdong Medical Valley

The Centre welcomed the international medical industry innovation centre of Guangdong Medical Valley (GDMV) to discuss medical technology translation to further promote biomedical innovation.

The delegation, with members from investors/investment institutions, biomedical industry entrepreneur representatives and other fields, visited Australia to meet with biomedical and medical companies that are interested in exploring the market in China or intending to settle or industrialise in China.

This workshop showcased the Centre’s recent innovations in biomedical technologies and highlighted opportunities to jointly promote the transformation/commercialisation of biotechnology projects.

Host and presenter: Professor Zhiyong Li. More presenters from QUT: Dr AndrewLeech, Office of Industry Engagement, Prof Yi-ChinToh, Prof Travis Klein and AProf Paige Little. The veent was arranged by Centre Manager, Julie Mitchell.

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