Dr Xiaomeng Li

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Research Fellow

Doctor's Degree in Engineering (Beijing Jiaotong University)

Dr Xiaomeng Li is currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), QUT. She was awarded a PhD degree in January, 2017 from Beijing Jiaotong University. Her discipline was Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management. Her research interests include road traffic safety, driving performance, ITS and traffic engineering. Dr Xiaomeng Li uses driving simulators to investigate the effects of several typical adverse factors on driver performance, such as foggy conditions, limited sight distance and distraction. She has extensive experience in driving scenario design, and the collection and analyses of data relating to the behavior, EEG and eye-movement of drivers. Her recent research involves evaluating drivers' take-over performance in automated vehicles (AVs) and road users' acceptance of AVs.


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