Adjunct Professor Victor Siskind

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Adjunct Professor

PhD (University of London)

Vic Siskind joined CARRS-Q in February 1997 from the University of Queensland's Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, where he was a Reader in Medical Statistics. Previously, Vic was
  • Lecturer at University College London
  • Research Statistician at the Drug Epidemiology Unit, Boston University Medical Centre
  • Visiting Lecturer at the University of Copenhagen.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (Statistics) and a PhD from the University of London. He was involved with the evaluation of the 'PASS' and 'Under the Limit' programs and is principal investigator on the Rural and Remote Road Safety Project and on the Speeding Recidivism Project. He is also a co-investigagator on the IPCA School-Based Injury Prevention Project (SPIY).
