Publications by year
PhD in Civil Engineering (Transportation) (McGill University)
Dr. Shamsunnahar Yasmin is a Senior Research Fellow (Road Safety Engineer) at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), Australia. She is a Civil Engineer with ten years of research and project management experience with specialization in Transportation Engineering. She has received her Ph.D. from McGill University, M.Sc. from University of Calgary and B.Sc. from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). She has previously worked as a Research Assistant in Accident Research Institute (ARI) at BUET. Before joining CARRS-Q, she was a Postdoctoral Associate and Graduate Faculty Scholar in University of Central Florida. She has extensively worked on evidence-based and data-driven statistical analysis from the perspective of several transportation related issues. Her research expertise encompasses road safety, travel behavior, transportation planning, traffic incident management, traffic engineering, application of social media data in transportation, transit demand, sustainable urban transportation, integrated sociodemographic, built environment and land use modeling. The road safety issues that she have addressed can broadly be categorized as: (1) crash severity analysis, (2) crash frequency analysis, (3) real-time crash risk analysis and (4) road user behavior from safety perspective. In studying crash injury severity and frequency, her research deals directly with several complex methodological issues, such as those relating to population heterogeneity, endogeneity, influence of unobserved factors, data pooling and underreporting; providing new insights and evidence as to how these may be addressed in the safety field. Specifically, she have formulated, estimated and validated applications of advanced econometric models including generalized ordered, mixed/random coefficient, latent segmentation based, copula-based, simultaneous equation, time duration, multi-dimensional choice, grouped-ordered and fractional split models in addressing several empirical issues related to road safety. She has also been involved in several funded projects and have worked with a number of students, researchers and Government officials.
- A Novel Real-Time Risk Assessment System for Vulnerable Road Users at Signalised Intersections Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Video Analytics
- Diagnosing the Fatal Five Road Crash Epidemic
- Evaluation of the Targeted Road Safety Program 2012/13 - 2016/17
- QFleet Crash Data Analysis
- Scenario developments for forecasting urban freight shifts
- Tasmania Graduated Driver Licensing System Evaluation
- Training Centre for Automated Vehicles in Rural and Remote Regions
Additional information
Professional Membership
- Grant Reviewer for Australian Research Council (ARC) (May, 2019 – Present).
- Standing Committee on Women’s Issue in Transportation - ABE70 (April 15, 2019 - April 14, 2022): Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academics, USA.
- Editorial Advisory Board Member (January 2019-Present): Journal of Analytic Methods in Accident Research.
- Academic Editor (April 2018-Present): Journal of Advanced Transportation.
- Member (2019-2020): Regional Science Association International (RSAI).
- Member (2018-Present): Canadian Regional Science Association (CRSA).
- Gold Member (2016-Present): Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP).
- Member (2014-Present): Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière (RRSR).
Reviewer for Journals
- Accident Analysis & Prevention
- Transportation Research Part A
- Transportation Research Part B
- Transportation Research Part C
- Transportation Research Part D
- Transportation Research Part F
- Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
- Transport Policy
- Transportation Letter
- Travel Behaviour & Society
- Transportation Research Record
- Sustainability
- Sensors
- IATSS Research
- Traffic Injury Prevention
- Journal of Transportation Safety & Security
- Journal of Transport Geography
- Journal of Transport & Land Use
- Journal of Advanced Transportation
- Journal of Injury & Violence Research
- Journal of Navigation
- Energies
- Traffic & Transportation Engineering
- Applied Sciences
- Journal of Transportation Engineering,
- International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health
Reviewer for Conferences
- Transportation Research Board (TRB),
- Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference
- ASCE Conference on Transportation and Development
- Australasian Road Safety Conference
- Conference of Transportation Research Group of India.
- Yasmin, S. & Eluru, N. (2018). A joint econometric framework for modeling crash counts by severity. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 14(3), 230–255. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126489
- Yasmin, S., Eluru, N., Wang, L. & Abdel-Aty, M. (2018). A joint framework for static and real-time crash risk analysis. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 18, 45–56. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126488
- Yasmin, S. & Eluru, N. (2018). A mixed grouped response ordered logit count model framework. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 19, 49–61. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126486
- Laman, H., Yasmin, S. & Eluru, N. (2018). Joint modeling of traffic incident duration components (reporting, response, and clearance time): A copula-based approach. Transportation Research Record, 2672(30), 76–89. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126492
- Eluru, N. & Yasmin, S. (2016). Disentangling the influence of cell phone usage in the dilemma zone: An econometric approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 96, 280–289. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126495
- Nashad, T., Yasmin, S., Eluru, N., Lee, J. & Abdel-Aty, M. (2016). Joint modeling of pedestrian and bicycle crashes: Copula-based approach. Transportation Research Record, 2601(1), 119–127. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126498
- Yasmin, S., Eluru, N., Lee, J. & Abdel-Aty, M. (2016). Ordered fractional split approach for aggregate injury severity modeling. Transportation Research Record, 2583(1), 119–126. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126497
- Anowar, S., Yasmin, S., Eluru, N. & Miranda-Moreno, L. (2014). Analyzing car ownership in Quebec City: a comparison of traditional and latent class ordered and unordered models. Transportation, 41(5), 1013–1039. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126506
- Born, K., Yasmin, S., You, D., Eluru, N., Bhat, C. & Pendyala, R. (2014). Joint model of weekend discretionary activity participation and episode duration. Transportation Research Record, 2413(1), 34–44. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126508
- Yasmin, S. & Eluru, N. (2013). Evaluating alternate discrete outcome frameworks for modeling crash injury severity. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 506–521. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/126509
- Advanced Econometric Analytics of Shared E-scooter Travel Demand
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Shimul (Md. Mazharul) Haque - Role of Unobserved Heterogeneity in Injury Severity Analysis of Active Traveler: Applications of Advanced Econometric Models
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Shimul (Md. Mazharul) Haque - Traffic conflict techniques based on extreme value theories: Investigation of right-turn crash risks at signalised intersection
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Shimul (Md. Mazharul) Haque, Associate Professor Ashish Bhaskar - Comprehensive Analytics on Run-off-Road Crashes: Relevant Critical Factors and Countermeasures
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Shimul (Md. Mazharul) Haque