BA(Hons) Multimedia (Film & Animation)
From a background in film and animation, Mo began his career as an animator, quickly mastering different disciplines of animation such as character animation both in 2D and 3D by working on cartoon network animations such as Marvo the Wonder Chicken and game cinematics at Quark System Energy. From TV production as a Motion Graphic animation, Mo moved into a more demanding fast-paced working environment in ultra-realistic animation production in the Architecture Visualisation industry. There, Mo took an initiative to research and develop new AR and VR products to gain a competitive edge in the industry where his efforts were recognised by the MDEC’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) and gained the award of MSC status for his company. Mo’s last 2 years of his decade long experience in the industry was managing production of Architectural, commercial animations and development of AR mobile applications for companies around the world.
Mo’s current PhD research explores ways of modelling Intention Awareness (IA) in Automated Vehicles using an AR Human Machine Interface (HMI) as a part of Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project which explores cooperative driving behaviour between human operator and automated vehicles (AVs). Mo’s research aims to increase user acceptance of AVs by making the operators of AVs more aware of the AVs intent in order to achieve a more cooperative & collaborative driving experience.
“Interactive Augmented Reality to model Intention awareness in Automated Vehicles”
Professor Ronald Schroeter and Professor Andry Rakotonirainy
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual Reality
- Photogrammetry
- User experience
- Human Factor in User Interfaces
- Use of Cinematography to induce various emotions
2021 Winner, QUT 3 Minute Thesis Competition
2020 Finalist, QUT Visualise Your Thesis
2019 Supervisor (Bridging) Scholarship, QUT
2019 QUT International HDR Tuition Fee Sponsorship