Publications by year
PhD (University of Queensland), GradDipPsych (University of Sydney), BA(Hons) (University of Sydney)
Background Emeritus Professor Mary Sheehan retired from the directorship of CARRS-Q on 30 June 2008, but continues her research and postgraduate mentoring and activities at the Centre. Mary’s specific area of research interest is the application of social psychological theory to educational and rehabilitation initiatives to enhance community road safety, particularly the safety of young people, and in reducing the incidence of drink driving. This has resulted in some of CARRS-Q’s most successful and innovative road safety programs such as- the development of the seminal Under the Limit (UTL) Drink Driving Rehabilitation Program
- a trial of alcohol ignition interlocks with high-risk Queensland drink drivers (UTL 2)
- the Rural and Remote Road Safety Research project in North Queensland
- the Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) school-based first aid and peer protection program.
- school transport safety
- youth risk-taking
- rural and remote road safety.
- An analysis of Queensland fatalities and serious injury crash characteristics and management by region using coroners' reports, and linked hospital and relevant database
- Drink Driving Education Program Framework and Curriculum Development
- PhD research: Cannabis and Driving: An exploration of attitudes and experiences of stakeholders, drivers, and pedestrians to inform the development of educational interventions
Additional information
- The Design and Preliminary Evaluation of an Intervention to Reduce Risk-taking Behaviour among Adolescents: the potential for protective behaviour toward friends (2008)
- Stealing a Car to be a Man: the Importance of Cars and Driving in the Gender Identity of Adolescent Males (2006)
- Case Studies of the Transfer of Road Safety Knowledge and Expertise from Western Countries to Thailand and Vietnam, Using an Ecological 'Road Safety Space' Model: Elephants in Traffic and Rice Cooker Helmets (2005)
- A Psychometric and Clinical Investigation of Anxiety Sensitivity in Anxiety Disorders (2004)
- Identity stressors associated with the reintegration experiences of Australasian undercover police officers (2004)
- Influencing Recidivist Drink Drivers' Entrenched Behaviour: The Self Reported Outcomes of Three Countermeasures (2004)
- The Psychosocial Characteristics and On-Road Behaviour of Unlicensed Drivers (2004)
- At Home on the Road? Territoriality and Driver Behaviour (2003)