In December 2017, the WA Government announced the introduction of the new Slow Down, Move Over (SLOMO) law to provide a safer environment for workers who respond to emergency and breakdown incidents on the road network. The legislation became effective on 2 March 2018 and requires motor vehicle drivers to reduce their speed to 40 km/h when approaching stationary incident response vehicles, moving over or changing lanes where possible and if safe to do so.
CARRS-Q was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the road rule in terms of motorists’ attitudes and perceptions about the road rule, road safety benefits, any unintended consequences or secondary crashes near SLOMO incident sites and any opportunities to improve the realisation of the intent of the legislation. To answer the key evaluation questions, a survey of WA drivers and another of emergency and breakdown personnel were undertaken 14 and 18 months after the road rule came into effect, respectively. These surveys were supplemented by stakeholder consultations, analyses of crash and infringement data and a review of relevant documents from other jurisdictions. A report was provided to the WA Road Safety Commission in May 2020.
Funding / Grants
- WA Road Safety Commission (2018 - 2020)