PhD research: Cannabis and Driving: An exploration of attitudes and experiences of stakeholders, drivers, and pedestrians to inform the development of educational interventions

Cannabis use and driving after recent use is escalating across the world. More lenient attitudes towards recreational and medical cannabis use as well as changed legislation are contributing to increased use. Driving after recent cannabis use remains illegal throughout the world. However, cannabis driving law enforcement is complex and often ineffective due to issues such as the absence of a widely-accepted blood concentration cut-off for impairment and a prolonged window of detection after impairment has dissipated. Researchers have suggested using alternative and complementary strategies such as harm reduction educational interventions to increase drivers- and passengers’ awareness of the risks of driving after recent cannabis use and increasing responsible decisions such as using lower doses, using designated drivers, and instituting waiting times.

To be effective in facilitating behaviour change educational interventions and campaigns need a solid theoretical framework, knowledge about the stakeholder attitudes and insight into the attitudes and experiences of the target population. Study 1 will therefore focus on interviewing stakeholders from government, the judiciary, health services, and law enforcement to explore their attitudes about cannabis and driving, legislative and population attitude changes as well as the development and dissemination of educational interventions regarding cannabis and driving. In Study 2 anonymous online surveys with a TPB framework will be used to explore the attitudes and norms of people who use cannabis and drive and their passengers.

Funding / Grants

  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend (2020 - 2023)