Guidelines for Incident Response Vehicles and Truck Mounted Attenuators

Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMAs) and Incident Response Vehicles (IRVs) provide protection from vehicle intrusion into incident sites and facilitate road network recovery. They are integral to the provision of safety for incident responders and road users alike, and are used in all Australian jurisdictions.

The project provide guidance on best practice for the procurement and use of TMAs and IRVs. This guidance collectively considers and prioritises best safety outcomes for stakeholders (incident responders and road users), consistency of practice across Austroads member agencies (acknowledging provision for jurisdictional autonomy), and efficiency in terms of financial investment.

Project phases included research and consultation to identify and document current best practice in incident response, and the development of guidelines for procurement and use of the vehicles. Separate guidelines were produced for (1) vehicle design, manufacture and procurement, and (2) use of the vehicles in incident response.

The Guidelines are available here.

Funding / Grants

  • iMOVE CRC (2021 - 2023)
