Cyclists made up about a quarter of all transport injury hospitalisations across Australia in 2021-22 (AIHW, 2023). Improving the safety of cycling has the potential to make a significant impact in terms of reducing overall levels of road trauma in Australia.
This project will use a multifaceted approach to identify where protective clothing can optimally benefit cyclists. The current protective clothing for recreational and commuter cyclists will be explored, with riders consulted on factors influencing protective clothing acceptability. This project will also evaluate the efficacy and comfort of protective garments identified in the recreational and commuter cyclist markets.
This project aims to develop the first tool to improve the passive safety of cyclists after the development of the bicycle helmet, developing:
- best practice guidelines for cyclist clothing design,
- establishing a methodology for cyclist clothing evaluation for passive safety properties,
- rating the safety potential of clothing currently on the Australian market, and
- providing recommendations for cyclists seeking to improve their safety
Funding / Grants
- National Road Safety Action Grants Program (2024 - 2026)
Other Team Members
Professor Ian Stewart (School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences, QUT)
Associate Professor Christopher Hurren (Institute of Frontier Materials, Deakin University)
Associate Professor Geoff Minett (School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences, QUT)