An International Research Centre to study the effects of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Vulnerable Road-Users (ICAROS)

This project is a collaboration between world-leading research centres on 3 continents – Loughborough University (UK), Queensland University of Technology via CARRS-Q (Australia) and Tongji University (China). It establishes a new International Research Centre to study Impacts of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) on Vulnerable Road User (VRU) safety (ICAROS). VRUs (e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, child road-users, who are vulnerable to injury) are a major challenge within the transport system and form 59% of killed/seriously injured road-users.

A unique research program on the safety of VRUs with respect to CAVs will be coordinated and disseminated with collaborative activities including PhD supervision, research seminars, publications in high-impact journals and an International Conference. The new research centre is vital: it will save lives and prevent injuries through new knowledge, providing the evidence-base for manufacturers and regulators to understand exactly how CAVs and VRUs will interact.

Visit project website.

Funding / Grants

  • Research England - International Investment Initiative (I3) (2019 - 2024)
