Even at the highest levels of automation (Levels 4 and 5), recognition of the human-technology interface must remain given that there is need to ensure public acceptance and willingness to use such technology. This research undertook a theoretically-based, cross-cultural examination of public acceptance of, and intentions to use, AVs in Australia, France and Sweden.
This study applied the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to examine drivers from Australia, France, and Sweden’s (N = 1563) intentions to use a Level 4 automated car. The findings revealed that drivers from France reported significantly greater intentions to use AVs in the future when compared to drivers from Australia and Sweden. Further, the findings showed that the factors within the TPB accounted for 58-74% of the variance in intentions, with the predictors within the UTAUT accounting for an additional 3-6% of variance in intentions.
Attitudes was shown to be the strongest significant unique predictor of intentions to use an automated car for participants residing in France and Sweden, and performance expectancy was shown to be the strongest significant unique predictor of intentions to use an automated car for participants residing in Australia. Overall, the results suggest that the addition of performance expectancy to the TPB may be suitable to examine users’ intentions to use an automated car in the future. These findings also support previous research by highlighting the value of applying psychosocial models to examine a priori’ acceptability of automated vehicles.
Future intent: Would you let an automated car do the driving?
Funding / Grants
- IHBI Seeding Grant (2017 - 2018)
- Lewis, Ioni, Kaye, Sherrie-Anne, Delhomme, Patricia, Forward, Sonja (2019) Examining drivers' a priori acceptance of Level 4 automated cars: An exploration of drivers in Australia, France, and Sweden. 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference.
- Kaye, Sherrie-Anne, Lewis, Ioni, Forward, Sonja, Delhomme, Patricia (2020) A priori acceptance of highly automated cars in Australia, France, and Sweden: A theoretically-informed investigation guided by the TPB and UTAUT. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 137, pp.Article number: 105441 1-11.