A Novel Real-Time Risk Assessment System for Vulnerable Road Users at Signalised Intersections Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Video Analytics

The purpose of this project is to develop a novel real-time risk assessment system for vulnerable road users at signalised intersections using Artificial Intelligence-based video analytics. The project will involve five tasks:

  1. Develop an AI-based safety framework for vulnerable road users
  2. Data collection and extraction from a sample of representative sites
  3. Calibrate real-time risk assessment model of vulnerable road users
  4. Develop a real-time risk mitigation strategy for calibrated response
  5. Final report

Funding / Grants

  • Road Safety Innovation Fund (2021 - 2023)

Other Team Members

This project is being led by Associate Professor Shimul (Md. Mazharul) Haque from QUT’s School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr Yasir Ali from QUT’s School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is also a Team Member.