Research projects Filter by tag:All TagsAdvanced driver assist systemsAustralia's First PeoplesAutomated vehiclesCAVsCyclistsDataDistractionDrink drivingDrug drivingEvaluationFatigued drivingHeavy vehiclesHigh Risk Users and BehavioursHuman Machine InterfaceInfrastructureMicromobilityMotorcyclistsNovice driversPedestriansPublic educationRailway level crossingRoadworksRural and remoteSafe Interaction with Advanced TechnologySafe, Sustainable and ActiveSeat beltsSeniorsSleepy driversSpeedingTrainsWork-related safetyYouth An innovative web-based education initiative to reduce young drivers’ smartphone use: The Induced Hypocrisy paradigm Amplifying the voice of young Australians in road safety Examining the potential for protective clothing to reduce injuries in cyclists Chair in Empathic Machines Evaluation Frameworks for the RACQ Road Safety Education Programs – Docudrama, Docudrama Virtual, Distraction, Driver IQ and Streets Ahead Heavy Vehicle Hazard Perception Test (HV HPT): Development and preparation QFleet Crash Data Analysis Evaluation of the Targeted Road Safety Program 2012/13 - 2016/17 Nudging for change: Design and evaluation of roadside messaging to encourage safer road user behaviours Expanding Operating Design Domain (ODD) of automated vehicles Training Centre for Automated Vehicles in Rural and Remote Regions Development and Performance Testing of LAARMA - Large Animal Activated Roadside Monitoring and Alert System Train Horn – Broader Social Effects and Pedestrian Simulations Reducing risky mobile phone use while driving among fleet drivers: A High-Risk Activity Management Approach (HRAMA) Re-evaluating speeding behaviour among ACT drivers: An action theory approach Train Conspicuity at Regional Level Crossings Delivering a population-based intervention to reduce young driver crashes (FEEDBACK Trial) Older drivers: Advanced driving assistance technologies and AVs Identifying new approaches to addressing the hoon behaviour of drivers in local communities Safety risk evaluation of the remote operation of Highly Automated Vehicles PhD Research: Investigating the impact of roadside advertising signs on driver distraction and inattention Advice on development of education tool for Australian Road Safety Foundation Scenario developments for forecasting urban freight shifts A human-centric eXplainable Automated Vehicle (XAV) Coach My Ride: Mentorable Interfaces to support Older Australians' Mobility The Safer Scooting Study DynaMix-FM, dynamic mixed reality environment for future mobility PhD research: Cannabis and Driving: An exploration of attitudes and experiences of stakeholders, drivers, and pedestrians to inform the development of educational interventions Using crowd sourced data to improve road management Vulnerable Road User Virtual Reality Scenarios Comparing e-scooter safety in the ACT and other jurisdictions Developing a world-first Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) driver training program to upskill drivers in distraction mitigation PhD Research: Examining Speeding Behaviour: An Application of Situational Action Theory Complex and critical task handover in Automated Vehicles Developing technology to improve bicyclist safety at intersections Guidelines for Incident Response Vehicles and Truck Mounted Attenuators Examining barriers associated with the uptake and acceptability of Advanced Rider Assistance Systems A Novel Real-Time Risk Assessment System for Vulnerable Road Users at Signalised Intersections Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Video Analytics Getting around: walking and driving in 2021 compared to 2010 LC17B: Investigating the use of train horns at rail level crossings What deters people from using their mobile phone when driving? Bicycle food delivery riders: An emerging road and work safety issue Evaluation of the Road Attitudes and Action Program (RAAP) Tasmania Graduated Driver Licensing System Evaluation Unifying Traffic Modelling and Safety Management for Safer and Faster Roads Putting a human face on cyclists in the ACT Engaging the voices of Indigenous youth in advocacy to improve road safety and injury prevention Integrating driver licensing support programs into corrective services for women in Queensland - a scoping study Mobile phone use while operating a conditional automated vehicle PhD Research: Modelling company financial influences on heavy vehicle safety outcomes An analysis of Queensland fatalities and serious injury crash characteristics and management by region using coroners' reports, and linked hospital and relevant database Distracted driving program Misuse of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Understanding a new risky behaviour Diagnosing the Fatal Five Road Crash Epidemic "SexDrive" An investigation on sex-related distractions while driving Monitoring and evaluation of the trial introducing a 40km/h speed limit around stationary emergency vehicles Road safety messaging trial and evaluation Understanding high risk recidivist traffic offenders PhD research: Towards safer roads with fewer drugged drivers Drink Driving Education Program Framework and Curriculum Development Intention-aware cooperative driving behaviour model for automated vehicles A theoretically-based cross-cultural comparison of public acceptance of, and intentions to use automated vehicles Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot (ICVP) Engaging augmented reality on 3D Head-Up Displays to Reduce Risky Driving LEVITATE: Societal LEVel Impacts of connecTed and AutomaTed vehiclEs Hold the Red evaluation Cooperative and Highly Automated Driving (CHAD) Safety Study Exploring the Road Users' Receptivity to Share Roads with Highly Automated Vehicles PhD Research: Can Automated Vehicles be safer by sharing the Vehicle's Intended Pathway via an Augmented Reality Head-Up Display? Slow Down Move Over Monitoring and Evaluation Variation in driving controls and in-vehicle information systems: Impact on fleet drivers Electrical injuries in Queensland: Patterns, circumstances, attitudes and opportunities for intervention Should audiences be laughing or crying when using digital or traditional media? Developing universal alert design principles beyond healthcare: A multi-industry analysis LC16 - Active 'Expect Trains' sign trial Slips, trips and falls on trains and at railway stations - Stages 2 & 3 Evaluating safety measures and behaviours at level crossings along maintained but non-operational rail corridors LC18 - Pedestrian LED visual warning device PhD research: What affects safety when cars pass bicycles PhD Research: Epidemiological and psychological risk of older adults' pedestrian trauma and its impact on active travel behavioural intentions Road crossings and mobile phones: Perceptions and behaviours Glare on tunnel endpoints: Road safety problem, new methodological approach for analyses and simulations ICAROS Development and trial of road safety countermeasures for international visitors to Queensland Development of road safety messaging for Gold Coast youth aged 16-24