Postgraduate Completions

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Estelle Pretorius
MBChB, MPharmMed, MAppSc, PhD

Cannabis and Driving in Australia and Canada: Exploring Stakeholders’ Perspectives to Help Inform Education Initiatives

Sandra Cuentas Hernandez
BIndEng, MIndEng, PhD

Contextual determinants of mobile phone distraction while driving

Jorge Pardno
BEng (Mechatronics Engineering), MScEng (Mechanical Engineering) (National Autonomous University of Mexico), PhD

Driving the intention cue motorway: Merging ethnographic enquires and machine learning techniques for decoding context-dependent intention awareness in driving

Chae Rose
BPsychSci, BSc (Hons Psych), PhD 

Examining Speed Behaviour: An Application of Situational Action Theory

Sarah Suvidha Mallela
BTech (Civil Engineering), MTech (Transportation Engineering), PhD

Advanced Econometric Analytics of Shared E-Scooter Travel Demand

Fatemeh Ghorbani
BEng, MEng (Electrical Engineering), PhD

Improving deep learning methods for brain signal analysis

Djamel Benrachou
BEng (Electrical), Master in Electronics, PhD in Automatics and Signals, PhD in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Use of social interaction in manoeuvre prediction to improve automated vehicle safety

Xiaoyuan Zhao

Assessing pedestrian decision making in the presence of automated vehicles: Mitigating risks for safer urban environment

Hanif Bhuiyan
BCompSci&Eng, ME (CIE), PhD

Compliance Checking of Automated Vehicle Law-Abiding Behaviour

Razi Hasan
Diploma (Environment Eng), BSc (Transport Eng), MSci (Civil Eng/Transport Eng), PhD

Investigating the drug driving problem: Contributing factors and enforcement-related countermeasures

Javier Rodriguez Zabala
Master of Public Health (MPH), Medical Doctor (MD), PhD

The Epidemiological and Psychological Risks of Older Pedestrian Trauma, and Their Implications for the Promotion of Walking

Mahrokh Khakzar
BEng, MEng (Electrical Engineering – Telecommunication), PhD

Design and development of a contextualised interaction-aware trajectory prediction system

Michael Gerber
B.Sc. (CompSc), M.Sc. (CompSc), PhD

Attention management to improve fallback-readiness in conditional automated vehicles

Ritwik Swain
BScPsych, MSc(Hons) SocOrgPsych, PhD

How intended pathway information shared via an augmented reality HUD can assist in semi-automated driving

Ben Jones
BSc(Hons), MPhil

Exploring moral dilemmas in simulated traffic situations involving the use of autonomous vehicles while measuring neuropsychological correlates of driver intervention performance

Elizabeth Rubie
BPsy, MProp, PhD

Motor vehicles passing cyclists: the cyclist and driver perspectives

Diana Onate Vega
BSc (Elec Eng), MSc(Eng), MPhil

The impact of the road environment and mobile phone distraction on driving behaviour

Ian Faulks
BPsychSc(Hons), PhD

Interventions for novice driver traffic offenders in New South Wales

Suhaila Abdul Hanan Suhaila Abdul Hanan
BBA Transport, MSc Transportation Planning, PhD

An application of an extended theory of planned behaviour to understand drivers’ compliance with the school zones speed limit in Australia and Malaysia

Yusuf Adinegoro Yusuf Adinegoro
MEng, MSc, PhD

Using instrumented motorcycle data to study road factors influencing motorcycle crash risk

Islam Ahmed Said Al Bulushi
BHlthSc (Public Health), European Master of Science in International Health, PhD

Heavy vehicle safety in Oman: A situational analysis

QUT Faculty of Health Executive Dean Commendation 2018

Buthaina Al Kindi
BA (Sociology), PhD

Development of a culturally sensitive evaluation framework for the Oman Research Council’s Road Safety Research Program

Alicia Allan
BPschSc, MOrgPsych, PhD

Influences on sleep-wake behaviour in older adults and community dementia care: Light exposure and partner impact

Mudhar Abdulmalik Ghassan Al Mazruii
BEd, HDip (Law & PoliceSc), MPsych, PhD

Policing road safety in Oman: Perceptions of deterrence and organisational alignment

Saif Al Ramadhani
BSci Management Information Systems, MBA, PhD

Gap analysis of speed camera operations in Oman

Raniya Jamalaldeen S. Alsafar

An application of an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to speed in Saudi Arabia

Tamara Banks Tamara Banks
BPsych(Hons), MPsychOrg, PhD

An investigation into how work-related road safety can be enhanced

Peter Barraclough
AssocDipJazz, BA(Hons), PhD

Common method variance and other sources of bias in road traffic research

Lyndel Bates Lyndel Bates
BCom(Hons), BBehSc, DipMkt(Res), PhD

The experiences of learner drivers, provisional drivers and supervisors with Graduated Driver Licensing in two Australian jurisdictions

Ross Blackman Ross Blackman
BSSc(Hons), PhD

The increased popularity of mopeds and motor scooters: Exploring usage patterns and safety outcomes

Lisa Buckley Lisa Buckley
BPsych(Hons), PhD

A peer-based intervention to prevent risk-taking in adolescents: The design, implementation and evaluation

Andrew Burbridge Andrew Burbridge
BEng, CEng, PhD

An explanatory model for quantification of road safety barrier impact risk

Keith Butler

Zero harm: Myth or reality

Joao Costa Canoquena

Developing a theoretical framework for improved practical application of a coordinated response in road safety

Jesani Catchpoole Jesani Catchpoole
BHlthSc, PhD

Developing and evaluating approaches for utilising injury data to support product safety initiatives

Rebekah Chapman Rebekah Chapman
BPsySc(Hons), PhD

Development of school connectedness as a component of an injury prevention program for early adolescents

Samantha Chen Samantha Chen
BCompSc(Hons), DipEngInfor, MSCompSci, PhD

Mining patterns and factors contributing to crash severity on road curves

Phuntsho Choden
BA Nursing Science (Hons), MPH, PhD

Help-seeking behaviours of Bhutanese women subjected to intimate partner violence (IPV)

Tamzyn Davey Tamzyn Davey
BSocSc(Psych)(Hons), MPH, PhD

Evaluation of a workplace alcohol and other drug policy

Jason Deller Jason Deller
BEng(Civil), GCertRoadSafety, GDipRoadSafety, PhD

The effects of road geometry and posted speed limits on driver speed selection

Sebastien Demmel Sébastien Demmel
BEng, MEng(Electronics), PhD

Building an augmented map for road risk assessment

James Damsere Derry

The prevalence of alcohol use among road users and its impact on traffic crash severity in Ghana

Kelly Dingli
BBehavSci(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Engaging delinquent adolescents in a school-based injury prevention program

Colin Edmonston Colin Edmonston
BA(Hons)Psych, GradCert(Road Safety), PhD

Profiling Indigenous & non-Indigenous road trauma in rural and remote North Queensland: it’s not all black and white

Jason Edwards Jason Edwards
BBehSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Safety Culture and the Australian Heavy Vehicle Industry: A concept in chaos – an industry in need

Emma Enraght-Moony
BSc(Psych), PGBSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Designing A Continuum of Quality External Cause of Injury Information in Queensland: From Ambulance to Hospital

Elliot Fishman
BAppSc(Pod), PhD

Bike share: barriers, facilitators and impacts on car use

Michelle Fitts Michelle Fitts
BSc(Psych), GradDip(Crim), PhD

An investigation into drink driving among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in regional and remote Queensland and the development of the ‘Hero to Healing’ program

Judy Fleiter Judy Fleiter
BA, BPsych(Hons), PhD

Examining psychosocial influences on speeding in Australian and Chinese contexts: a social learning approach

Graham Fraine Graham Fraine
BPsych(Hons), PhD

At home on the road? Territoriality and driver behaviour

James Freeman James Freeman
BSSc(Hons)(Psych), PhD

Influencing recidivist drink drivers’ entrenched behaviours: The self-reported outcomes of three countermeasures

Nicole French Nicole French
BA(Hons)(Psych), PhD

Identity stressors associated with the reintegration experiences of Australasian undercover police officers

Cassandra Gauld Cassandra Gauld
BA (Psychology, Sociology), PGDipEd, PGDipPsych, BBehSc(Psych Hons 1)

A theory-based approach to the development and evaluation of public education messages aimed at social interactive technology use among young drivers

Sepehr Ghasemi Dehkordi
MSc (Control & Automation Eng.), PhD

Towards an optimal model for a green and safe driving

Heidi Hassan

The applicability of the precaution adoption process model in understanding older adults’ self-regulatory driving behaviours

Helen Haydon Helen Haydon
BPsych(Hons), PhD PhD

Exploring cultural, social and psychosocial influences on women’s drinking across age cohorts

Paul Higgins Paul Higgins
CertEng(Elec&CompEng), GradDipBusAdmin, GradDipAdultEdu, MBA(Comn), PhD

Reducing uncertainty in new product development

Sarah Jebb Sarah Jebb
BBehSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Reducing workplace safety incidents : bridging the gap between safety culture theory and practice

George Jia George Keqin Jia
BMed, GradCertEnvHlth, MAppSc, PhD

An investigation of the knowledge and practices relating to drink driving among Chinese drivers

Mark King Mark King
BSc(Hons), MBA, PhD

Case studies of the transfer of road safety knowledge and expertise from western countries to Thailand and Vietnam, using an ecological road safety space model: elephants in traffic and rice cooker helmets

Ahsan Kayani
LLB, BSc, GradCertRdSafety, MAppSc,PhD

Governance and the Rule of Law in Road Safety Institutions in Pakistan: Exploring Legal, Social and Cultural Factors Relating to Crash Involvement, Enforcement and Legal Processes

Gregoire Larue Grégoire Larue
MSc, MEng Licence (Mathematics), DEUG (SM), PhD

Predicting effects of monotony on driver’s vigilance

Nerida Leal Nerida Leal
BPsySc(Hons), PhD

Illegal street racing and associated hooning behaviours

Ioni Lewis Ioni Lewis
BSc, BPsych(Hons), PhD

Factors that influence the effectiveness of advertising countermeasures in road safety

Bill Loveday

Prescription opioid analgesic drug misuse: What can we learn from Doctor-shopping behaviour

Janelle MacKenzie
BA(Psych), PGradDipPsych, PhD

Mothers’ sleepiness and driving in the postpartum period

Husnain Malik Husnain Malik
BSc(CompSc), MDigComm, PhD

An assessment system for evaluation of driving competencies

Peter Martin
BA(JusticeAdmin), ExecMPubAdmin, PhD

The role for police in addressing alcohol-related harm inside and outside licensed premises

Rebecca Michael Rebecca Michael
BPsych(Hons), PhD

An examination of monotony and hypovigilance, independent of fatigue: relevance to road safety

Bahareh Nakisa
BEng(Software Engineering), MSc(Computer Science), PhD

Emotion classification using advanced machine learning techniques applied to wearable physiological signals data

QUT Science and Engineering Faculty Executive Dean Commendation 2019

Sharon Newnam Sharon Newnam
BSSc(Hons) Psych, PhD

Multilevel organisational structure in the management of fleet safety

Sharon O'Brien Sharon O’Brien
BSSc(Hons)(Psych), PhDThe psychosocial factors influencing aggressive driving behaviour
Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios
BEng (Ind & Sys Eng), MSc (Stats & Op Res), PhD (Human Factors Engineering)

A new model for human behavioural adaptation in distracted driving
Gavan Palk Gavan Palk
BA, GradDipCoun, MPhil(Psych), PhDThe nature and extent of policing alcohol related crime and reducing violence in and around late night entertainment areas
Candice Potter
BBusMan(Hons), MAppSci (Social Policy), PhD

Challenging the focus of journey management: Exploring the influences of miners’ driving decisions at the end of shifts

Mohammad Naim Rastgoo

Driver stress level detection based on multimodal measurements

Bianca Reveruzzi Bianca Reveruzzi
BPsych(Hons), PhD

The protective mechanisms of first aid training within a school-based program for early adolescents

David Rodwell
BBus(Hotel and Catering Management), BBehSc(Hons), PhD

Investigating perceptions of emerging technology in driver education

Colette Roos Colette Roos
BSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

An examination of investigative interview techniques using road crash incidents as stimuli

Kalina Rossa Kalina Rossa
BSc(Hons), PhD

Risk taking behavior in young adults: The role of sleep and associated psychophysiological states

Peter Rowden Peter Rowden
BPsych(Hons), DipBus, PhD

Development and formative evaluation of a motorcycle rider training intervention to address risk taking

Bevan Rowland

An exploration into work-related road safety: A multi-dimensional approach

Michael Rowlands
BA (Hons – Psych), PhD

Dangerous sex offenders: Recidivism and risk factors associated with serious sexual offending

Elisabeth Rubie
BA(Psych and IR), MProp, PhD

Motor vehicles passing cyclists: The cyclist and driver perspectives

Rusdi Bin Rusli
BSc (Hons) (Civil Engineering), MEd (Technical and Vocational), PhD

Traffic safety along rural mountainous highways in Malaysia

Socheata Sann

Developing effective policies to reduce disability from road crashes in Cambodia

Bridie Scott-Parker Bridie Scott-Parker
BSc, BPsych(Hons), PhD

A comprehensive investigation of the risky behaviour of young novice drivers

Jane Shakespeare-Finch Jane Shakespeare-Finch
BSSc(Hons) Psych, PhD

Post-traumatic growth in emergency ambulance personnel: The roles of personality and coping

Lauren Shaw
BBehavSci, BPsychSci(Hons), PhD

It’s the thought that counts: developing a model of driver aggression by exploring the underlying cognitive processes

Shamsi Shekari Soleimanloo
MSc(OccHlth), PhD

Effects of light and caffeine on human sleepiness and alertness: A simulated driving experiment

Tanya Smyth Tanya Smyth
BPsych(Hons), PhD Hospital outpatient responses to potential driving impairment due to prescribed medications
Klaire Somoray
BBehavSc (Hons) Psych, PhD Beyond safety compliance: An investigation of proactive safety behaviours in the work-related driving context
Wonmongo Lacina Soro
BSc, MSc (Economics), MSc (Transportation Engineering), PhD Towards an understanding of financial influences on heavy vehicle safety outcomes  QUT Outstanding Thesis Award 2020
Teodora Stefanova
MSc(Psych), PhD Factors shaping pedestrians’ unsafe behaviour at actively protected level crossings
Fabius Steinberger
BSc(Hons), MSc, PhDRisky gadgets to the rescue – Reframing in-car technology use as task engagement
Dale Steinhardt Dale Steinhardt
BPsych, PGradDipPsych, PhD Development of an evidence-based framework to guide injury prevention interventions for off-road motorcyclists
Gayle Sticher Gayle Sticher
BA(Hons), MClinPsych, MAPsS, PhD Barriers to the acceptance of road safety programmes among rural road users: Developing a brief intervention
Navid Tahir Muhammed Navid Tahir
MPubHlthSc, PhD

Road safety aspects of motorcycle rickshaws in Pakistan

Verity Truelove Verity Truelove
BBehavSc Psych, GradDipBehavSci Psych, PhD

Investigating the Role of Deterrence in Promoting Rule Compliance among Young Drivers

Getu Segni Tulu Getu Segni Tulu
MSc CivilEng, PhD

Pedestrian crashes in Ethiopia: Identification of contributing factors through modelling of exposure and road environment variables

Atiyeh Vaezipour
BEng, MSc (CompSci), PhD (HCI)

Design and development of an in-vehicle human machine interface for eco-safe driving

Daniel Lyubomirov Vankov
BA(Fin), MA(Fin), MBA, MEng, PhD

Smartphone apps and virtual reality as road safety interventions: Examining their real world effects for young drivers

Kim Vuong
BBehavSci(Hons)Psych, PhD

Quads and Kids: Understanding Parents’ Attitudes and Beliefs about Safety and Risks

Rabbani Rash-ha Wahi
BEng(Civil), PhD

Towards an understanding of the factors associated with severe injuries to cyclists in crashes with motor vehicles

Angela Wallace Angela Wallace
BNurs, GradDipEd, MPH, PhD
Motorist behaviour at railway level crossings: the present context in Australia
Christopher Watling Christopher Watling
BBehavSc(Psych), PostGradDipPsych, MAppSc, PhD

The sleep and wake drives: Exploring the genetic and psychophysiological aspects of sleepiness, motivation, and performance

Hanna Watling Hanna Watling
BBehavSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Understanding the nature and impact of mature-aged women’s alcohol culture

Angela Watson Angela Watson
BA(Psych)(Hons), MHS, PhD

Piecing the puzzle together: enhancing the quality of road trauma surveillance through linkage of police and health data

Barry Watson Barry Watson
BA(Hons), GradDip(SciSoc), PhD

The psychosocial characteristics and on-road behaviour of unlicensed drivers

Clive Williams Clive Williams
BA(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Stealing a car to be a man: the importance of cars and driving in the gender identity of adolescent males

Amy Williamson
BSocSci (Hons), MSocSoc (Psychology), PhD

Learning from the positive for preventable injury in the workplace: Can non-deterrence based approaches encourage compliance

Hollie Wilson Hollie Wilson
BPsych, PhD

Reducing recidivism by first time drink driving offenders

Darren Wishart Darren Wishart
BBehSc(Psych)(Hons), MOrgPsych, PhD

The challenge of developing a fleet driving risk assessment tool: What can be learned from the process?

Ides Wong Ides Wong
BBehSc(Psych)(Hons), PhD

Sustaining safety and mobility amongst older adults: The Multilevel Older Driver Self-regulation Model

Masters by Research

Md Eaysir Arafat
BSc (Civil Engineering), MEng (Civil Engineering), MEM (Engineering Management), MPhil
Preventing the use of mobile phones at pedestrian crossings to reduce crashes
Melissa Bailey
BBehavSc(psych), GradCert Crime Analysis, MAppSc

Understanding the impact of legislative changes on child car seating and restraint practices in regional Queensland

Helmut Ernst
GradDipRdSafety, MAppSc

Evolving a synergistic approach to road safety: an appraisal of the project management, stakeholder engagement and change facilitation (PSC) approach by means of two case studies

Wanda Griffin
BDesign, MAppSc

Male and female, cyclist and driver perceptions of crash risk in critical road situations

Susan Hart
BA(Hons)(Psych), MAppSc

Organisational barriers and facilitators to the effective operation of Random Breath Testing (RBT) in Queensland

Md Mahmudul Hasan
BSc(Eng), MAppSc

Biomedical signal based Drowsiness Detection using Machine Learning: Singular and hybrid signal approaches

Ahsan Kayani
LLB, BSc, GradCertRdSafety, MAppSc

Fatalism, superstition, religion and culture: Road user beliefs and behaviour in Pakistan

Md Mostafizur Rahman Komol
LLB, BSc, GradCertRdSafety, MAppSc

C-ITS based prediction of driver red light running and turning behaviours

Kerrie Livingstone
BBehavSc(Psych), MAppSc

A comparison of the psychological, social, and legal factors contributing to speeding and drink driving behaviour

Jae Won Oh
BA(Psych), GradDipPsych, MAppSc

Driver licensing experience of Korean Australian novice drivers

Estelle Pretorius

Cannabis and driving: Background to inform a harm reduction approach

Naomi Richards
BPsych(Hons), MAppSc

Fatigue and beyond : patterns of, and motivations for illicit drug use among long haul truck drivers

Hossein Rouzikhah
BCivEng, MSc(CivEng), MAppSc

Examining the effects of an eco-driving system on driver distraction

David Soole
BA(Crim&CrimJus), BBehavSc, MAppSc

The relationship between drivers’ perceptions toward police speed enforcement and self-reported speeding behaviour

Deborah Tunnicliff
BA, MAppSc

Psychosocial factors contributing to motorcyclists’ intended riding style: an application of an extended version of the theory of planned behaviour

Christopher Watling
BBehavSc(Psych), PostGradDipPsych, MAppSc(Research)

Stop and revive? : the effectiveness of nap and active rest breaks for reducing driver sleepiness