
Our internationally recognised postgraduate education program has achieved real-world results, demonstrated by the high level and influential roles obtained by our graduates.

Dr Xiaoyuan Zhao has been successful in receiving a Postdoc position at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida where she continues her research in developing innovative, implementable solutions for future mobility.

Assessing pedestrian decision making in the presence of automated vehicles: Mitigating risks for safer urban environment

Dr Mahrokh Khakzar is a Data Scientist at the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator where she continues her research ensuring safety and efficiency in the heavy vehicle industry.

Design and development of a contextualised interaction-aware trajectory prediction system

Dr Hanif Bhuiyan is an AI and Data Science Research Fellow at the Monash Data Futures Institute. Hanif’s role focuses on automated decision-making, knowledge representation, data analysis addressing real-world challenges and contributing to the creation of innovative solutions.

Compliance Checking of Automated Vehicle Law-Abiding Behaviour

Dr Razi Hasan is a Research Associate at the Western Australia Centre for Road Safety Research. Razi’s research focuses on impaired driving and developing the most effective countermeasures to reduce this behaviour, including educational campaigns and enforcement-based strategies. 

Investigating the drug driving problem: Contributing factors and enforcement-related countermeasures.

Dr Elisabeth Rubie is the Safe Systems Manager (Safer People) at the NSW Centre for Road Safety. She works to ensure Safe Systems principles are incorporated in government programs.

Motor vehicles passing cyclists: the cyclist and driver perspectives

Yusuf Adinegoro Dr Yusuf Adinegoro works at the Ministry of Public Works of Indonesia. He applies road safety knowledge in the area of road development and engineering, actively engaging stakeholders across disciplines.

Using instrumented motorcycle data to study road factors influencing motorcycle crash risk

Ross Blackman Dr Ross Blackman is a Research Fellow at the School of Engineering at Deakin University. He is currently working to improve traffic incident management safety.

The increased popularity of mopeds and motor scooters: Exploring usage patterns and safety outcomes

Dr Lyndel Bates is an Associate Professor with the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice and Griffith Criminology Institute at Griffith University. She conducts research into a number of road safety and road policing areas.

The experiences of learner drivers, provisional drivers and supervisors with graduated driver licensing in two Australian jurisdictions (2012)

Dr Jesani Catchpoole is currently working as a data analyst for the Jamieson Trauma Institute and Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit, providing data analytic support for various injury research projects and data requests.

Developing and evaluating approaches for utilising injury data to support product safety initiatives (2015)

Dr James Damsere Derry is working at the Building and Road Research Institute in Ghana, continuing his research into road safety and transport issues.

The Prevalence of Alcohol Use among Road Users and Its Impact on Traffic Crash Severity in Ghana (2017)

Dr Kelly Dingli is the Director Clinical Governance at DVConnect a not-for-profit charity helping Queenslanders find pathways to safety away from domestic violence.

Engaging Delinquent Adolescents in a School-Based Injury Prevention Program (2016)

Dr Elliot Fishman is Director of Transport Innovation at his consultancy, the Institute for Sensible Transport. In addition to working with many local and state governments on sustainable mobility policy, he has also worked for the OECD in Paris and runs annual study tours of transport innovation in The Netherlands.

Bikeshare: Barriers, Facilitators and Impacts on Car Use (2014)

Dr Michelle Fitts is an ARC DECRA (2021-2024) and Senior Research Fellow at Western Sydney University (based in Alice Springs). As part of this project, she is investigating the lived experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who have sustained a traumatic brain injury through family violence. She is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at James Cook University and Menzies School of Health Research.

An investigation into drink driving among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in regional and remote Queensland and the development of the ‘Hero to Healing’ program (2015)

Dr Judy Fleiter was awarded a prestigious National Health and Medical Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship to continue investigating cross-cultural aspects of speeding behaviours. She later joined the Global Road Safety Partnership as Global Manager in Geneva. In her role there she managed a team who provide technical expertise to a range of NGOs and government agencies, primarily traffic police, to promote road safety in low and middle-income countries. Judy has joined CARRS-Q as an Adjunct Professor.

Examining psychosocial influences on speeding in Australian and Chinese contexts: A social learning approach (2010)

Dr Graham Fraine is currently Director-General, Department of State Development and Infrastructure. Since his PhD, he has held senior positions in the Queensland Government, including Deputy Under Treasurer with Queensland Treasury, Deputy Director-General of Customer Services, Safety and Regulation at the Department of Transport and Main Roads, and Deputy Director-General of Policy in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

At home on the road?: Territoriality and driver behaviour (2003)


Dr Cassandra Gauld is a Lecturer at University of Newcastle, having obtained a 3-year Fellowship to work on road safety and driver distraction. Previously, Cassandra was a Research Associate at CARRS-Q, investigating young drivers and driver distraction, including the development and evaluation of public education messages relating to smartphone use and drink driving.

A Theory-Based Approach to the Development & Evaluation of Public Education Messages Aimed at Social Interactive Technology Use on Smartphones among Young Drivers (2017)

Dr Helen Haydon is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research at The University of Queensland. She is involved in various projects focusing on the effective use of technology to increase access to health interventions.

Exploring Cultural, Social and Psychosocial Influences on Women’s Drinking across Age Cohorts (2015)

Dr Janelle MacKenzie is a Research Fellow in the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child. Janelle will contribute to the Healthy Child program by conducting research that supports young children growing up in a rapidly changing digital world.

Mother’s Sleepiness and Driving in the Postpartum Period (2016)

Dr Candice Potter is a Principal Behavioural Scientist working across several road safety topics at Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. Candice previously worked for the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator on projects relating to heavy vehicle compliance and monitoring, as well as vehicle roadworthiness.

Challenging the Focus of Journey Management: Exploring the Influences of Miners’ Driving Decisions at the End of Shifts (2018)

Dr Rusdi Bin Rusli is a Senior Lecturer at the Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, and is continuing his research into road safety and transport issues.

Traffic Safety along Rural Mountainous Highways in Malaysia (2017)

Dr Socheata Sann is The Asia Foundation’s Senior Technical Specialist in Cambodia, overseeing a portfolio of programs, supporting staff and developing new programs for the Foundation. Socheata has more than 15 years experience working in road safety and disability issues, having previously worked for a number of international organisations.

Developing Effective Policies to Reduce Disability from Road Crashes in Cambodia (2017)

Dr Wonmongo Lacina Soro is an Associate Research Fellow at Deakin University, with a research focus on road safety and statistical modelling of transportation data. Soro was awarded a QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in 2020 to recognise his outstanding contribution to heavy truck safety analysis and the standard of excellence demonstrated in higher degree practice.

Towards an understanding of financial influences on heavy vehicle safety outcomes (2020)

Dr Teodora Stefanova is a Senior Human Factors Consultant at SYSTRA in the UK and is continuing her research on risk at level crossings including the role of personal and collective responsibility towards safety.

Factors shaping pedestrians’ unsafe behaviour at actively protected level crossings (2015)

Dr Muhammed Navid Tahir is currently Assistant Professor Public Health at the University of the Punjab in Pakistan. After his PhD, he worked on as part of the ADB team which drafted the National Road Safety Action Plan for Pakistan.

Road Safety Aspects of Motorcycle Rickshaws in Pakistan (2018)

Verity Truelove Dr Verity Truelove is a Senior Research Fellow at the Road Safety Research Collaboration, University of the Sunshine Coast. She is currently involved in numerous projects that look at road rule compliance and behaviour change, with a focus on distracted driving, speeding and impaired driving.

Investigating the Role of Deterrence in Promoting Road Rule Compliance Among Young Drivers (2020)

Dr Getu Segni Tulu is currently Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. Following his PhD, he worked as a Road Safety Lead Engineer for road design and transportation at the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety in Addis Ababa.

Pedestrian Crashes in Ethiopia: Identification of contributing factors through modelling of exposure and road environment variables (2015)

Dr Atiyeh Vaezipour is a UX Researcher at Google Maps for Automotive in Sydney. Following her PhD, she was a Research Fellow at RECOVER Injury Research Centre, at the University of Queensland, developing and evaluating innovative driving rehabilitation technology solutions.

Design and Development of an In-Vehicle Human Machine Interface for Eco-Safe Driving (2018)

Dr Rabbani Rash-ha Wahi is a Senior Traffic Engineer at Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, with a very strong emphasis in the areas of road safety and design of road infrastructure. He previously worked for Brisbane City Council, maximising the operational safety and efficiency of the road network.

Towards an understanding of the factors associated with severe injuries to cyclists in crashes with motor vehicles (2018)

Dr Amy Williamson is a Principal Advisor (Road User Choices) at the New Zealand Transport Agency. She provides behavioural advice to support strategies, programs and projects across the business to help ensure that they have the best impact and achieve safety outcomes. She has played a key role in the development of the Agency’s Regulatory Strategy with ongoing involvement in its implementation and alignment with outcomes sought by New Zealand’s new Road Safety Strategy.

Learning from the positive for preventable injury in the workplace: can non-deterrence based approaches encourage compliance? (2019)

Dr Hollie Wilson is the Director of Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support (Statewide) at Queensland Health. She also has the portfolio for research coordination for the Metro North Alcohol and Drug Service located at Biala City Community Health Centre.

Reducing Recidivism by First Time Drink Driving Offenders (2015)

Dr Darren Wishart is an Associate Professor in Organisational Psychology and Director of the Work and Organisational Resilience Centre at Griffith University. Darren continues to conduct research within the work driving safety area assisting organisations in driver behaviour change and reducing the frequency and severity of crashes in organisational vehicle fleets.

The Challenge of Developing a Fleet Driving Risk Assessment Tool: What Can Be Learned from the Process? (2015)