Protein Foundry

Protein Foundry is a facility dedicated to using advanced protein engineering technologies to create protein modules with pre-determined properties and functions. The properties that Foundry will endow such protein modules with will be stability, activity, selectivity and manufacturability.

The protein modules created by the foundry for academic and industrial partners will be used to develop new industrial biocatalysts and bio-pesticides, novel diagnostic applications for farming, animal and human healthcare as well as industrial microorganisms capable of producing valuable chemicals from cheap feedstocks.  The mission of the Foundry is to function as a focal point and facilitator of protein engineering in Australia and serve as a vehicle for industry engagement.

The  Foundry is overseen by Professor Alexandrov whose laboratory contributes multiple technologies to its establishment. These include cell-free protein expression and interactions platform, phage and mRNA display and suite of biosensor technologies.

Chief Investigators