Past projects – Sustainable Agroecosystems

  • Resilient Rivers Initiative: Denitrifying Coochin/Back Creek: understanding the fate of N in horticultural systems and mitigation through edge of field technologies, Qld Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, 2016-19 (Led by QDAF).
  • Improving Nitrogen Use efficiency in Dairy systems, Rural Research and Development for Profit round 2, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and Dairy Australia, 2016-19.
  • Optimising nutrient management for improved productivity and fruit quality in mangoes, Northern Territory of Primary Industries and Fisheries through the Rural Research and Development for Profit round 2, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and Australia, 2016-19.
  • Managing organic amendments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supplement fertiliser nitrogen inputs in tropical Indian and Sri Lankan agricultural soils, Asia Pacific Research Network, 2016-18.
  • Increasing profitability through improved nitrogen use efficiency and reducing losses of nitrogen, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2015-17.
  • Improving nutrient management in Pumicestone horticulture: optimisation and next generation production systems, Qld Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2014-15.
  • Managing dairy cow spatial movements to reduce nitrous oxide emissions by uniformly distributing nitrogen in paddocks, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Action on the Ground, 2014-17.
  • A simple indicator of potential N2O loss from soil, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2013-16.
  • National coordination of an integrated, data synthesis and modelling network for reducing N2O emissions from Australian soils, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15.
  • Composting as a means of minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the manure supply chain. DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2013-16.
  • Can advances in mid-term weather forecasts reduce emissions from N fertiliser? DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2013-16.
  • Fertcare Carbon Farming Extension Project, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Extension and Outreach, 2013-16 (Lead by Fertiliser Australia).
  • Advanced process level understanding of factors controlling gaseous nitrogen partitioning to reduce N2O losses from Australian agricultural soils, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15.
  • An integrated assessment of management practices for reducing N2O emissions and improving N use efficiency for subtropical dairy systems, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15.
  • Quantifying nitrous oxide losses and nitrogen use efficiency in grains cropping systems on clay soils with contrasting soil carbon status and land management, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15.
  • The fate of aboveground carbon inputs: a key process that is poorly understood, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15.
  • Facilitation of improvement in systems modelling capacity for Carbon Farming Futures, DAFF Carbon Farming Futures, Filling the Research Gap, 2012-15 (Led by CSIRO)
  • Enhancing soil carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions for improved productivity and rural incomes (Chile). Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry- International Cooperation and Capacity Building Activities, 2012.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from dryland farming systems of India, GHG equipment, International Centre for Research in the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2012.
  • Validating the cost/benefits of improved fertiliser practices and quantifying nutrient loads and pathways from irrigated dairy pastures in the Wet Tropics and the Burnett-Mary Regions, DAFF- Caring for our Country (Reef Rescue).
  • Participatory adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change on the mixed farms of northeastern Australia, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation (DEEDI), 2011-12.
  • Biosequestration in Queensland’s rangelands. Smart State Fellowship (Richard Conant), DEEDI, 2010-12.
  • Impact of biochar on sub-tropical pastures and crops – design and construction of automated greenhouse gas chamber system, NSW Industry and Investment (NSW I&I), 2010.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from temperate irrigated cropping – design and construction of automated greenhouse gas chamber system, CSIRO, 2010.
  • Using grain legumes as alternate nitrogen sources top reduce greenhouse gas emissions from dryland grains – design and construction of automated greenhouse gas chamber system, NSW I&I, 2010.
  • Benchmarking and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resource use efficiency, Cotton Research & Development Corporation, 2009.
  • Carbon dioxide flux station at Samford Ecological Research (SERF), National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme (NCRIS) – Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), 2009-11.
  • Supersite demonstrator (SERF), NCRIS-TERN, 2010-12.
  • Supersite demonstrator (SERF), EIF, 2011-14.
  • NCRIS-TERN, 2009-2011 (Led by UQ).
  • Integrated data and synthesis framework for reducing N2O emissions from Australian agricultural soils, Grains Research and Development Corporation for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2009-12.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from the Wyaralong Dam site, Queensland Water Infrastructure, 2010-12.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated grains/cotton farming systems, Grains Research & Development Corporation for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2009-12.
  • Investigation and facilitation of market based carbon trading mechanisms for landholders, DAFF via AgForce, 2008.
  • Growing sustainable regions: Developing a Rural Statistical Sustainability Framework (RSSF), Australian Research Council, Linkage Project, 2007-10.
  • Abatement of the non-CO2 greenhouse gases in row-crop agriculture II, Electric Power Research Institute, USA, 2007-09 (Led by Michigan State University).
  • Managing the social, environmental & economic impacts of high density living within inner urban subtropical environments, Australian Research Council, Linkage Project, 2006-09.
  • Environmental controls over Fe availability and transport in a forested coastal catchment, Australian Research Council, Linkage Project, 2006-09.
  • Benchmarking and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resource use efficiency, Cotton Research & Development Corporation, 2006-08.
  • Understanding the contribution of volative nitrogen loss to nitrous oxide emissions in agriculture, Australian Greenhouse Office, 2006-08.
  • Defining and promoting soil health for sustainable productions systems, Land and Water Australia, 2006-08.
  • Reducing uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissions in the humid sub-tropics, Australian Research Council, 2005-07.
  • Reducing uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissions from sub-tropical agriculture, Australian Greenhouse Office, 2005-07.
  • Biomass Business 4.1.2, CRC for Spatial Information 2.
  • Best fit bio-fuel production technologies for agro-industrial enterprises, RIRDC