Sandra McEwan

Thesis title:  Microbial interactions with long-lived carbon pools in North-east Australian grasslands are being studied

Principal Supervisor:  Prof David Rowlings

Associate Supervisor/s:  Dr Mark Bonner, Dr Elaine Mitchell

Expected final thesis submission date:  Before 1 July 2024

CAB Research program:  Sustainable Agroecosystems

Sandra McEwan is a final-year Master of Philosophy student studying sustainable agroecosystems.

She holds a Bachelor of Biological Science from Queensland University of Technology, where she discovered her passion for the microbial sciences.

Her research focuses on understanding how soil microbial communities interact with soil carbon pools in agricultural settings. This research aims to elucidate the mechanisms governing soil organic carbon persistence, which will inform targeted agricultural management. In addition to her studies, Sandie works as a research assistant, studying the role of pasture management strategies in achieving carbon neutrality for the beef industry.

In mid 2024, Sandie will continue her study with QUT as she pursues her doctorate (PhD) in soil microbial ecology.