Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland), Bachelor of Biotechnology (University of Queensland)
My research interests focus on discovering novel microbes and functions from environments and applying them to solve problems in the real world. I am currently a Research Fellow in Microbial Ecology and Wastewater Microbiology at the Water Innovation and Smart Environments Laboratory under Prof Yang Liu. I finished my PhD major in Microbiology at The University of Queensland in 2014 and continued as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Advanced Water Management Centre in UQ until 2017. My primary research goals are directed towards understanding the microbial ecology in wastewater treatment using cutting-edge molecular technologies including metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and proteomics. I investigated a large variety of wastewater treatment processes from anaerobic digestion, nutrient recovery, single-cell protein, and microbial fuel cells, to ANAMMOX, and DAMO bacteria/archaea. I also have experience discovering biomimetic material of Velvet worms from 2019 to 2021 at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I am currently applying a meta'-omics approach to investigating novel phenomena from the wastewater treatment process.