The C4IE HDR Support Network

The C4IE HDR Support Network offers Higher Degree Research (HDR) members a safe space to connect with their peers and C4IE academics. The Network offers members a range of support opportunities – including monthly meetings, peer support and writing circles – and we have a lot of fun along the way!

QUT higher degree research students who have at least one HDR supervisors who is a C4IE Member and who are researching in the area of inclusive education are eligible to join the Network.

Our members have achieved big things! C4IE HDR Support Group members have represented The Centre for Inclusive Education at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) QUT finals in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Three Minute Thesis finalist 2024: Elise Bray

Three Minute Thesis finalists 2022: Helen McLennan and Haley Tancredi

Three Minute Thesis finalist 2021: Irina Silva

Three Minute Thesis finalist 2020: Zoe Vaill

For more information about the C4IE HDR Support Network, contact the facilitator, Melissa Close, at