This project extends a school-based pedagogical intervention in inclusive practice and accessible assessment (ARC LP180100830) through its application in the university context. It draws on Gore’s concept of Quality Teaching Rounds (QTR) through a Professional Community of Teaching Practice (PCIE) between academics in QUT’s Centre for Inclusive Education (C4IE), and the Schools of Creative Practice (Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice) and School of Accounting (Faculty of Law & Business).
Want to keep up to date with this project? Visit the Inclusion in Higher Education website.
This project aims to:
- identify barriers to learning for all students, including those with disability, in the presentation and delivery of unit content and assessment materials in two core units in the School of Accounting and the School of Creative Practice.
- evaluate whether accessible unit content and assessment design can increase engagement and learning outcomes for all students, including students with disability.
- build the knowledge and capability of Unit Coordinators (UCs) and their Teaching Teams to apply inclusive pedagogies into the course content and assessment guidelines in two undergraduate units.
This projects has three phases. Phase 1 of the study will involve a Unit Needs Analysis (baseline data collection) drawing from the review of Student Voice report and any previous unit evaluations, random sampling of graded assessments, focus groups with students from the cohort and Student Survey on Engagement.
Phase 2 is the Pedagogical Intervention informed by Quality Teaching Rounds (QTR). The final phase is the Post-Intervention Evaluation Phase comprising of 2022 Student Focus Groups, review of graded assignments and comparison with the random sample of 2021 graded assignments and student survey on engagement.
Spencer Foundation Mentorship Award
- Dr. Sofia Mavropoulou
- Professor Linda Graham
- Professor Bree Hadley
- A/Professor Jill Willis
- Lara Maia-Pike
Gore, J. (2014). Towards quality and equity: The case for Quality Teaching Rounds. Proceedings of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Research Conference. Quality and equity: What does research tell us? (pp. 86–91). Melbourne, Australia: ACER.