Professor Terri Bourke

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PhD (Queensland University of Technology), BSc and PGCE (University of London)

Theresa (Terri) Bourke is a Professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She has held various coordination roles including Undergraduate Research Pathways Coordinator, Course Coordinator (Bachelor of Education), Academic Program Director (Pre-service Programs) and Academic Lead Research. She is currently the interim Head of School. Her research focuses on three main areas: (1) professionalism, professional standards and quality in Initial Teacher Education (ITE); (2) assessment in geography education; and (3) teacher educators’ epistemic reflexivities for teaching about/to and for diversity for which she has an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery grant. Most recently she is a member of a successful ARC Linkage project related to career change teachers and teacher shortages, and an ARC Discovery related to hard to staff schools. Terri is the President of the Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA).

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At present Terri is working on two projects  - one on Inclusive Education in Central Queensland and one on Leadership in STEM in PNG