Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland)
I am a Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education with a particular interest in the inclusion of students with disability, and parents' views and experiences regarding inclusive education. I aim to support the development of inclusive culture and practice in schools through giving voice to parents of students with disability. My current research focus is parent-teacher partnerships in an inclusive education context and, specifically, the communication between teachers and parents. My work is underpinned by the belief that parents are experts in the lives of their children and that strengthening parent voice is critical to inclusive systemic reform.
I am also particularly interested in inclusive education for students with intellectual impairment and the role of special schools in an inclusive education system. I am currently involved in an investigation of the factors that work for and against movement to a unified education system for all students (as opposed to the current binary system of general and special education).
Prior to my current position at QUT, I taught in Queensland state schools, and worked as an education consultant with the Down Syndrome Association of Queensland, supporting teachers and parents in the inclusion of students with Down syndrome. I have also worked in advocacy and community organisations, promoting and supporting inclusive lives for students with disabilities.